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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Guaranteed he eats Salt and Vinegar on the bog just so he gets a nice tingle when he wipes his hoop. ( also guaranteed he’s a filthy sitter).
  2. That’s a risky tactic. I hope he washes his hands.
  3. I love the choice they made when pixelating that… Flabby, spotty side-arse? Nah, fine. Fat Mackem mush with Jedwood hair- no one needs to see that.
  4. How many fucking shirts is he wearing?
  5. I look forward to the next round of RTG getting hugely worked up about it all going golden, then two days, (at best), later the slow dawning of realisation that they’re even more fucked than they were this time last year. Fucking mint
  6. Half agree with Gloomy here- hignfy is absolutely where the “likeable buffoon” persona originated, but I can’t lay the blame at their doorstep for his subsequent, inexplicable, rise to power. That’s wholly on whichever muppets voted for the cunt, as mayor, PM, etc. There’s been ample evidence of his utter unsuitability for office since then, and multiple examples and opportunities to see him for the scum he is.
  7. My memories of this are; 1) Furious that we were selling our “best young prospect”, which he was at the time. 2) Simultaneously chuckling because we’d clearly fleeced the Dippers. 3) Fuck Ashley, and Pardew. I don’t think, at the time, or now, any of that was too wide of the mark.
  8. Aye, is it fuck £10Million for players. That’ll keep them ticking over on half capacity for another 6 months, nowt else.
  9. Farage hoping she means his actual face.
  10. Nee bother Troops. Send your mate this, he'll thank you for the help.
  11. He should wear a thong …
  12. Most teams have won a trophy more recently than we have.
  13. I don’t follow cycling in the least, but would I be right in saying that this virtually confirms that Wiggins is dirty?
  14. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s identity was confirmed before sending in the kill squad by DNA testing his stolen used underwear ( @Kid Dynamite, calm yourself!)
  15. 12 December GE. Conveniently timed to scramble the student votes.
  16. I’d just nick a bit of his lunch from the fridge. Every day.
  17. Aye, blame the poor fuckers who have to put the fires out, not the avaricious cunts making coin by using sub-par materials on the building. Did anyone genuinely think there’d be any other outcome to this “inquiry”?
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