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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Thats fucking delightful reading. You can hear the pennies not just dropping, but raining down. Mint
  2. Take your pick, Literally
  3. I know the square root of fuck all about cycling, but this all relates to long-distance endurance cycling , a la Tour de France, aye? Does this suspicion, that the entire lot of them are doped up to fuck, extend to Chris “ Thighs Like A Whale’s Cock” Hoy and his branch of the sport too, or are they clean ?
  4. I just had cod wrapped in Parma ham with white wine and garlic sauce, purple sprouting broccoli and new potatoes. Welcome to the 1990s ( it was fecking lovely).
  5. Point conclusively proved Meenzer
  6. Remember when some politicians did their jobs, and some BBC journalists weren’t Tory lackeys…? … Ahhh, Hovis.
  7. In other news, Frank Dobson, former Labour Health Secretary, has pegged it. RIP
  8. Whilst I agree with Isegrim and Wykiki’s overall take on Bruce, I think it’s a bit off for NUFC fans to call our own manager a tosser. Come on lads, we all know he’s a crisp-eating shitcunt.
  9. Do you have to jizz on it at the end, or can you just add a bit of salt?
  10. “Didn’t have any toast, so I used Roast Beef, Yorkshire Puddings, and broccoli instead.”
  11. I was talking to a bloke who worked on some of the missile sites in Scotland, he was Scotch, and he was saying that if it goes off, Glasgow will melt. This is him, on the left. ( Fuck knows who the other geezer is ).
  12. Keep yer kilts on lads, when the bombs do drop, we’re all equally fucked.
  13. He’s been here since early 2016, ample time to have you figured out.
  14. If we did something like this, we’d get some tit in a Clarence the Cross Eyed Lion costume, tripping over his tail as they bimbled around the pitch.
  15. Point of Order; Scotland, with its military bases and “secret” bases, would be near the top of the target list I’d say.
  16. We should persuade him the Earth is flat so he can get the Crazy Trinity.
  17. We’re all pretty much agreed that the Yeezer is utterly unhinged from reality, aren’t we?
  18. Bloke sitting next to him looks like Yeezy has dropped a rancid beer fart.…
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