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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. No need, they can just edit in Neil in place of Wonkygob afterwards
  2. Any of the older lads on here remember John Tudor breaking his jaw whilst playing for us? I have a memory of him being interviewed for Look North from his hospital bed, poor fucker could barely speak and his face was more swollen than ewerk’s cock in a potato shop.
  3. Meanwhile, the wall in ewerk’s sod house…
  4. That was one of the first posters I had as a kid, next to one of Supermac on his own.
  5. Shaky Hand Gang don’t convict their own, do they?
  6. There’s a large empty plot, plenty of room for a 12,5000 seater.
  7. It’s an article quoting Simon ( Give Meeeeee attention) Jordan. Save you all the bother of clicking it.
  8. I know, it’s such a shock.
  9. @wykikitoon, your services are needed.
  10. Looks like the fat sack of vitriol could be getting some awkward questioning bout his past book keeping. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-tower-financial-fraud-lenders-propublica-2019-11
  11. Why has he got his fucking tie tucked in to his shirt like some edgy 5th former?
  12. Script approval isn’t something to be rushed…
  13. He’s more Rocky Dennis than Rocky Balboa.
  14. I heard someone refer to their house in Greater Benton, which is what some people are calling West Allotment now
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