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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. That’s my strategy throughout 😂
  2. I’m ploughing on-I am utterly incapable of walking past any and every side-quest, in every game I play, so this is taking me a a while I’m level 29-30 ish, not even visited more than 20% of the map yet. I quite enjoy howking the mercenarys that hunt you down for bounty, so I’m actively seeking them out when I get a bounty alert. Still haven’t managed to kill the fucking Über Pig in the NW of the map yet, I pop back to it every so often and just get annihilated every time 😂 I’ll have the fucker for breakfast eventually, though
  3. In other words, fuck you Matt Hancock, we’ll do your job for you. Nice one.
  4. This is quite a crazy story, and apparently there’s a Netflix movie about it. ( a luxury diving resort set up in Sudan as a front to enable Mossad to rescue Ethiopian Jews in Sudanese refugee camps). Red Sea Diving Resort: The holiday village run by spies https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/stories-43702764
  5. Dear me. ( although, tbf, he’d probably find it funny as fuck).
  6. Uncharted 4 is free on PS+ this month, andi nabbed the rest of the series a month or two back, I’ve had some canny games from it recently- The entire Bioshock series, Sniper Elite 4 ( not my usual cup of tea but it was great!) Shadow of the Colossus, etc.
  7. Bloody part-timers
  8. The answer to which would presumably be “ not a close friend of Epstein who lusts after his own daughter?”
  9. Never realised Roger was Swiss Tony
  10. Was his Grandad a scab then? Not a good thing in Consett. ( or anywhere, really, but you know what I mean).
  11. Won’t they default on their £10 million loan to fix the lift and be owned by some yanks soon?
  12. Terry McDermott. That’s him in the middle, left of Peter White
  13. He’s a one-man human centipede.
  14. 8pm- Most streets near me…
  15. In your opinion, maybe …
  16. Here you go mate. That’s Woy on the right isn’t it?
  17. Whilst I don’t actually wish the bumbling tit dead ( honest 😉), I care what happens to him about as much as he, his Bullingdon mates, his party lickspittles and weasels, and the whole Tory shitshow care what happens to us. Not a fucking jot, nowt. As mentioned, pulling the “he’s a father” shite is laughable, he’s as much of a caring family man as Jeffrey Dahmer. If he recovers, he might change his thinking (he won’t ), if he doesn’t, well, one less cunt in the world.
  18. Turns out that as well as being a filthy minx, she was a despatch rider in London during WWII. What a woman. RIP
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