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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Thought @wykikitoon would appreciate this…
  2. Remember standing on the terraces of Level 7 back in 2015, eating cherry tomatoes and duck pizza. Best days of my lifetime.
  3. As a man of strong principles, my concerns about this potential takeover by the Saudis are, in order; 1. Will it make the mackem’s fucking explode? 2. Will we have to build a bigger trophy room? 3. Can we have Rafa back? 4. Will it make the mackem’s fucking explode? 6. How long has Messi got left before retirement? 7. I can’t count 8. Will it make the mackem’s fucking explode? 9. How many shitty Sheikh puns will Knight Ryder come out with 10. Do they chop people’s head off?
  4. What you’re not taking into account is what bitter fuckers they are, and how this will eat at their very core until they are nothing but empty shells of humanity, powered purely on all-consuming jealousy… a bit more than they usually are
  5. Everyone knows where they are. They’re in League One, the third division.
  6. You and Gemmill - the Duracell Brothers.
  7. Can someone photoshop Johnson and Patel as Ted Bovis and Gladys Pugh?
  8. I’ve read the replies to that tweet, same pic is one of the first responses Some beauties.
  9. I was there late eighties until end of ‘96. I have done some routes in the Verdon, although by then my herbal intake was more leisurely 😄, but aye, further up the gorge the exposure on those routes is fucking mental- closest you can get to Yosemite in Europe, arguably. What’s pretty freaky at first, is that you usually abseil from the top of the gorge to a set of bolts part-way down the cliff, clip on to them while your buddy comes down, then pull your ropes down and repeat the process for however many pitches your route is- often between 4-6. Certainly gets you committed from the get go 😂 ( I was an open canoe instructor whilst I was down there, in another gorge a few hours west of the Verdon).
  10. It had its downsides… aside from the carefree life, quality drugs, filthy women, great travel and magnificent climbing it afforded, money was tight.
  11. Oh aye, 😂 There’s a fantastic documentary on Netflix about the history of Yosemite climbing. The 60s and 70s are particularly mental. There’s a proper mentalist lives in North Wales called John Redhead, did some of the most extreme climbing in Britain in the 80s and 90s, was fond of a drop of Lysergic 😂
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