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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. You’re either with us, or against us. Make your choice Apology Boy!
  2. The only way forward is civil war- a little bit of genocide, wipe out the Leavers, and then we can all get on with it.
  3. Because he’s thicker than whale spunk
  4. Fuck RATM, I won’t do what they tell me. ( sorry )
  5. I don’t speak Welsh Italian mate, couldn’t read it.
  6. That’s a very good article (so far, I’m not done reading it yet- I’m as far as the section on Corbyn and the Mear One mural). Thanks for posting it mate, it’s already answered a lot of the questions I and others have asked on here. I’ll read the rest later today. Extremely uncomfortable reading to be honest, but once I’ve read the whole thing I’ll get back to you.
  7. Sadly not just her generation. I know plenty of people 25-50 who voted Leave and vote for the Cuntservatives. It’ll take a total shake up of the political system ( Proportional Representation basically) to rid us of the Eton Party.
  8. By the time they “ Get It Done”, if ever, half of those that voted for it will be dead. ( the rest will be merely be brain dead).
  9. “They’ve blocked TT at work!” Renton whips out his phone… Stick it to The Man!
  10. “ Work won’t let me piss away their time on here!!”
  11. Absolutely, I was given a bottle of £350 wine a few years ago, which frightened the life out of me I went on some wine forum and the overwhelming opinion was “drink it” along with great suggestions of what to eat with it. Get it down you.
  12. Yes, and barely a mention of our Blue friend’s many “phobias”. But Labour need to address it, win or lose, pretty quickly.
  13. That’s pretty much where I’m at- they’re all shit sandwiches, which one has the nicest bread?
  14. I’ll be honest - anti-semitism in the Labour Party isn’t the most pressing issue this country is facing right now. ( sorry Gloomy). That’s not to say it doesn’t exist, or isn’t something that should be addressed with haste, but it’s not something at the forefront of my mind when I go to vote. Undoubtedly though, for some, it is. What do they do, who do they vote for?
  15. Rancid “baby soup” on a years worth of athletes foot scab… …. which sounds more appetising than it looks.
  16. https://youtu.be/7hj4CKMotPM ( fuck knows why YouTube isn’t embedding, it’ll be that bog-trotting terrorist @Ant’s fault. Useless shite. )
  17. There’s only really one way to settle it, and I’ve already sharpened all my “tools”.
  18. If Corbyn got in, and Kuntsberg got sacked, I would laugh my cock off.
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