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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Especially one that’s based in Regent Centre in…. Newcastle! Full House!
  2. Well, I Am Sold. Which is in no way a reference to the Estate Agents of the same name. Pure coincidence.
  3. Funnily enough, most of his social media sites have gone “private”. He’s quick, but not quick enough Gone for a more mature, “hope the cat doesn’t lick it off” look here.
  4. @Warlord, so Callum, what exactly does a “Client Onboarding Manager” do, other than troll football message boards like a fucking schoolboy? If you aren’t keen on answering, I’ll can always ask your employers?
  5. 1. We didn’t “want our club to be owned by the Saudi Royal family”. They’re buying us. Big difference. 2. “Great example for young kids growing as fans, researching the roots of their club…” Could be worse, we could’ve allowed Adam Johnson to carry on playing for us whilst fully aware of the crimes he was accused of, imagine… 3. Here’s another massive cock so you don’t get lonely.
  6. Me and the boy on our way to our first match under our new Evil Overlords.
  7. Could be worse, we could’ve sang in support of a convicted paedophile, eh?
  8. Covid-19 can’t exist because of denpressure. China isn’t real. wibble.
  9. I just had a bit of a chat with an old school pal who posted “let’s not buy goods from China, but British , blah blah” shite all over my FB. Pointed out to him, using his own photos, how many of his beloved possessions were made in China, and asked if he’d be replacing them with British made goods? He was also posting from his iPhone. It went as well as you’d expect and he’s now blocked me. Racist cunt
  10. It’s exactly 50/50 lads- we can’t let these Nantymoel filth win, get voting. Ffyciwch y Mackems!
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