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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Rainbow? I think Mrs. Fish might need a trip to the Fanny Doctor.
  2. Why would the prospect of breaking up the UK and economic suicide make Sterling rally?
  3. Daily Hate journo. How the fuck would he know?
  4. They don’t have lawns in sunderland, man, they have “the outside settee”.
  5. I think anyone on here, with the obvious exception, would do the same, and it’s like putting an Elastoplast on a tumour. The poor lass is by no means the only, or even the worst, case… it’s a fucking travesty.
  6. A little tale to illustrate the fucking horror of what Tory cuntery does to ordinary people. Some of you might recall that Mrs. Fist works for a large housing group in sunderland, she came home last week more angry than I’ve seen her in a long time. She looks after “ vulnerable young adult tenants 25yrs and under”, which runs the full gamut from kids too old for the care system, refugees, abuse victims… you get the picture. She had a new client referred to her who was a single mother of 24 with a 4yr son. She’s under threat of eviction because of rent arrears, but, here’s the kicker, she’s not some “benefit scrounger” (for want of a better phrase), but works part-time, 4 days a week, in a call centre- decent young lass but struggling. She has to pay for childcare to have her son looked after whilst she’s at work, and is on the bones of her arse. She gets a bare minimum Universal Credit. When Mrs. Fist went to see her, the little lad came up to her when his Mam was in the kitchen and whispers “ Santa can’t come this year”. FFS! We’ve put together a bag of presents for him, which Mrs. F could get in trouble for from work, because cunts, but it’s by no means guaranteed that she won’t be booted out in the New Year. Fucking shite.
  7. “Tory Insiders” is the worst misspelling I’ve ever seen of Laura Kuennsberg.
  8. Other than being hilarious and embarrassing for them, would that preclude him from being PM?(assuming they got a majority of course)
  9. White Island volcano: NZ to recover bodies despite danger https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-50753453 This is fucking crazy imo, 1st rule of rescue is don’t put yourself in danger. Their own vulcanologist seems to think it’s dodgy, and there’s a 50-60% chance of another eruption within the next 24 hours. All for dead bodies.
  10. I’m doing my best not to open this until later on when results start coming in. I expect to fail miserably
  11. They renamed Nelson Mandela House to Quinoa Court. Mange tout, Mange tout
  12. I live just over the main road from it now. There’s another just over the flyover at Springfield Park, can’t be more than 300m between them.
  13. Where was yours? They seem to be every 500yds in Forest Hall. Mine ( Lynholm Grove) also said there’s been a large turnout.
  14. Picture the scene- Tittsy McFauxTory walks in to No.10 to discuss a coalition , to be met by The Fridge Magnet, having totally misunderstood that she was “ready to jump in to bed with the Torys”, Y-fronts round his ankles as he fumbles through his fat folds looking for his cock. “ I …um ah… my my… well… so! … Shall we just Get It Done?”
  15. I’m getting mildly bladdered regardless.
  16. We can use the coming British War of Cuntdependance as a warm up!
  17. I too have just voted. Nowt to do now but cook tea, sit back, have a beer and hate the world.
  18. No cherry tomatoes? Can you even spell Pinokio ?
  19. Fucking Loves Chips Fetid Little Cock Fairy Lisp Child ()
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