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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I’m trying to work out how to shift this to the secret forum the minute the full time whistle blows…
  2. “Barrett's "Family Man" nickname came about before he had any children of his own. Aston foresaw his role as a band leader and started to call himself "Family Man". He subsequently fathered 41 children”
  3. Without looking, I’m going to say that between this being posted on Ready to Groom, and the “bribed by their murderous, camel-humping, paed…etc” response, it’ll be a maximum of one post, possibly zero if the original poster makes the link first.
  4. @sammynb ( A draw isn’t a loss, so I’m claiming this, as fucking mental as it was).
  5. Snipping the pullover is pretty much standard in the US, regardless of whatever flavour religion you choose, which I’ve always found rather bizarre. “It’s a boy!” ” Oh lovely, now mutilate his genitals please!” ” Done”.
  6. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-68189568 Man had “inert nuclear missile” in his backyard. It’s in the US, of course.
  7. My all-time record is just shy of 2lbs. Doesn’t sound much… oh, but it is.
  8. “ Imagine waking up and not being a fucking mackem “ There.
  9. Aye, I spent a bit of time working round there, Roses, Estartit, and Cala Llevado. Beautiful coast and decent people.
  10. He’s obviously never seen Goal 3 though.
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