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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Gary Oldman, good actor bloke? Which old cockney bint are we talking here, I’m not what you’d call an avid viewer of the Misery.
  2. Can we just call him Big Mo from here on in, it’s a proper mouthful that.
  3. We humans have that feature also, we call them “eyes”. I can also just check my latest entry on “Wheresmysammichbitch!” -great app.
  4. Aero bread ( it’s looks very nice, tbh).
  5. As a half-turnip, this must make you momentarily less miserable?
  6. Full of sweaty Frenchmen? Dangerous.
  7. Get fucking Gloom Hollywood here!
  8. Definitely haven’t opened a sneaky can
  9. “Readers”. That’s very charitable of you.
  10. At least he’s squeaky clean himself though, and not the type of cunt who’d bang his daughter’s mate whilst his wife was suffering from cancer.
  11. What’s important here is that we beat the Welsh mackems, Nantymoel, the filthy touchers.
  12. Our man Callum has already rang Barkley to offer his support
  13. I’ve been saying it for a while now, man the barricades comrades. Bloody revolution is coming, and I quite fancy our side to come out swinging
  14. Answered my own question. Yes. According to this, there’s several. ( to keep any lurking mackems happy, I entered 1990- present day for the numbers. {I also did it from 1900 to present and it changed fuck-all} ) https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/transfers/einnahmenausgaben/statistik/plus/0?ids=a&sa=&saison_id=1990&saison_id_bis=2019&land_id=&nat=&pos=&altersklasse=&w_s=&leihe=&intern=0 We’re 18th with a total spend of £849.28million. Mackems, hilariously, are on £502 million
  15. I’m curious- is there a table of total, all time spending on player transfers? Has any club spent £1billion or more? I’d be surprised if anyone has.
  16. Don’t worry lads, if we need a player they’ll just off a few dissidents and sell their estate. Sorted
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