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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Hard to tell mate, there’s still bits there from a few days ago.
  2. I’ve just had a shite so dense NASA have put it in the Small Bodies of the Solar System List. Minimal residues, three wipes and pristine. You’re very welcome.
  3. It’s been a shite week, this album always puts me in a good mood, so… https://youtu.be/j21pUaInxWo ( It’s Mario’s Cafe, opening track of So Tough by Saint Etienne, YouTube links are still fucky on here).
  4. Well, there we are … I’ll be announcing my bid for leadership soon.
  5. Aye, I love the idea of renationalising core services, but there are more pressing issues, like NHS and holding together the Union. Having said that, a possible way to do it ( which I’ve just pulled out of my arse, so fire away ) on the railways would be to gradually removed the contracts for each line as they expire, replacing them with the new British Rail. No enormous one-off cost, allows time to correct any teething troubles on a smaller scale etc. Whether that would also work for utilities I don’t know, but it’d be a start, and if they could do a Mussolini and get the trains running in time, at a reasonable price, it’d be a massive vote winner, particularly in the South where no one talks about anything except how shit trains are
  6. Could Starmer do a job? We need to be aiming just a bit left of Blair, just a bit more centre of Corbyn, initially. Most of the manifesto was very well received, but seen as impossible to deliver in one hit. Whoever takes over needs to lay the foundations to rebuild us once the Torys have destroyed our trade, economy and welfare system. And all within a green framework to mitigate the world literally burning up around us and our kids. Whoever is capable of doing this probably isn’t even an MP yet.
  7. Aye, I’ve heard that. Will definitely have to give it a go as Fist Jr. would sell his granny for pizza from Slice
  8. I tend to agree with the first point here- this was Brexit Referendum disguised as an election. The new labour leader can’t ignore the left if they want to keep the party from eating itself. Quite how they do that I don’t know.
  9. Panis on High Bridge has always been great with kids when I’ve been there with mine, and the food is a step above your run-of-the-mill Italians. Not massively pricey either. An alternative to a restaurant is the Grainger Market, which has the best pizza stall in Newcastle ( Slice), Burgers at Meat Stack, and Greek, Chinese Noodle bar, and other cafes etc. If it’s just you and your daughter going, I wouldn’t bother with a half time pint- you won’t have time to queue for whatever snack/drink your daughter wants, and then get served at the bars. Hope she enjoys her first match
  10. So I went in to the butchers today and said, ” I bet you £3000 you can’t reach that beef on the top shelf” He said “ Sorry mate, no bet, the steaks are too high.”
  11. I’m not sure there’s a vas deferens between them?
  12. 'Penis fish' wash up on a beach in California https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-50779461 Ok
  13. Not as shocked as us mate. Its fucking devastating to realise the majority of our countrymen are selfish cunts.
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