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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Burnside learned his trade from the travelling wearside bluesman, Peytar “Six Fingers” Hilton. Six Fingers also taught Muddy Waters and John Lee Hooker, who all went on to be huge MLFs.
  2. Aye, he was a big influence on the early Black Keys. speaking of which, this cover of theirs of a Junior Kimbrough track is an all time favourite of mine.
  3. Not a fan tbh. On a scale of 1-10 I’d give him 00/7.
  4. So, I’m pretty partial to dirty roadhouse blues type bands, particularly two piece affairs that just do what they do fantastically. I’m 100% sure I’ve already mentioned two of my favourite exponents of this filth-ridden branch of blues- Left Lane Cruiser and Black Diamond Heavies. I was ridiculously pleased to find a Left Lane Cruiser track where they have the creative force of Black Diamond Heavies, James Leg, on backing keyboards. Here it is, nowt particularly ground-breaking or new, but by fuck they do what they do really well. For reference, this is James Leg’s band Black Diamond Heavies, doing my favourite track of theirs.
  5. Barry John, Legendary West English Egg Chaser, deed at 79.
  6. Watched Oppenheimer last night with Mrs. F. Absolutely superb movie tbh, Cillian Murphy as Oppenheimer was just fantastic- Emily Blunt was also excellent as his Mrs, Kitty. The scene where they finally do the test firing, given that they’re not 100% sure it won’t trigger an uncontrollable reaction which will set the global atmosphere alight, is absolutely gripping, even though you know the outcome. It’s a 3hr movie, with no big action scenes, only a smidgen of tiddies, and yet it seemed to fly by. By comparison, Killers of the Flower Moon was a similar length -great movie, but felt like it could’ve been done and dusted in half the time. If Murphy doesn’t get the Best Actor Oscar for this I’ll be surprised, he’s mesmeric every second he’s on screen.
  7. Chapter 1 “ Arrived, met a local, left 10 minutes later” Chapter 2 See above.
  8. I think we can all agree that if we wanted to see this, we’d have done it by now- spoilers be damned, name this other movie
  9. Btw, Shearer’s worst season for us was 97-98, when he fucked his ankle at Everton in that pre-season bollix, then only got 2 goals from his 17 subsequent appearances. He did manage to hoof Neil Lennon square in the kisser and get away with it that same season, so it wasn’t all bad. Taking the great with the better than most, he scored an average of 21 goals per season for NUFC. sunderland have managed a total so far, of 37 goals in all competitions this season, which is one of their better results of the last decade.
  10. Btw, it went down like a lesbian in a fanny factory. Definitely one for the “can’t be arsed but hungry” file.
  11. He wrote a novel based on a visit to Roker Park in the 1960s, The Atrocity Exhibition. Proper, original MLF, marrows.
  12. So, two Wor Flags displays or 16 Spirit of 37 Christmas wrapping recyclings?
  13. Isn’t that the angry dwaaaarf who fucked off to join Mowbray at Brum? * friendship with Birmingham City ended. Bilbao are new Best Friends
  14. Edited, you pedantic ringpiece.
  15. Pollo Amatriciana with Penne, and Garlic Flatbreads. It’s a bit of a cupboard clear out job tbh, but it hits the spot on a cold, windy Sunday night, and it’s a one-pot job so… bonus. Couple of chix tits, diced and laced with some “chicken seasoning” mix from Lidl. Diced, smoked streaky bacon* Diced red onion Garden peas Penne pasta Minced garlic- a shedload Couple of wallops of pesto Fresh Basil 1 large jar of Lloyd G Roast Garlic Pasta Sauce. Parmesan Black pepper Hefty slug of Chilli sauce. 1. Cook pasta ‘til it’s Al Bundy. ( save a cupful of the pasta water for later). 2. Fry off the chicken, bacon, and onion for about 5-6 minutes, basically until the bacon is crispy. 3. Add the garlic and stir for about 30-40 seconds, then add your chilli sauce- I’ve only got Sriracha atm so that’s what’s going in 4. Whack the pasta sauce in ( if you have any leftover wine, you can deglaze with it at this stage before adding the pasta sauce). 5. Give it 4-5 minutes, tip the saved pasta water in to thicken it, then add the garden peas, pesto, and pasta. 6. Chuck some fresh basil, black pepper, and Parmesan on, give it a final stir, serve and neck. All ingredients can be subbed at your leisure. CT, but if you change the pasta for rice, and the sauce for sweet and sour, you might want to forego the garlic breads and have prawn crackers instead. * I’d normally use pancetta, but as u said, this is cupboard clear out job and I had a pack of streaky in the freezer left over from Christmas.
  16. Klopp is retiring????????? They’ve kept that quiet.
  17. Looks like the Knight Ryder will need a new narc
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