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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. What’s a mushroom’s favourite mobile phone? eNokia.
  2. Thank you. No idea why mine didn’t post? I blame the Tories.
  3. Why the fuck won’t twitter links work?
  4. If it’s any consolation, you saw the better band
  5. Only when there’s a General Erection.
  6. Was it just the Black Crowes , or did you miss Jimmy “totally not a wron’un” Page too?
  7. Get an excited message from Fist Jnr yesterday telling me that he’s nailed the following song after a week’s practice There’s and album of the whole concert, Live at The Greek, which is very good btw- it’s like the best Zeppelin tribute band ever
  8. After a bastard of a shift yesterday ( 17hrs, 10 of which were driving- very illegal ), I’m getting a brew at Lancaster services, ready to get home, shower, and then stroll down to the Polling station to hammer my personal nail in the coffin of the most corrupt, self-serving, lying, incompetent wankers on the face of the planet. Can’t wait…
  9. Commiserations… must be tough seeing the series of best PM’s of your lifetime bending over and spreading their cheeks in readiness for a throbbing Red Wedge strap-on
  10. I was banging a climber lass from Seaham for a while. Bit of a BOBFOC if truth be told, but she was filthy, so standards were out the window.
  11. Alreet Speedbump? Does this place mean anything to you? Im parked opposite it, waiting for some fucking yokel to work out how to open their barrier. 20 minutes and counting… I’ve told them after half an hour I’m just going to drive through it.
  12. So he’ll be voting for his local independent candidate then… I’m sure whoever that is in north sunderland has a full grasp of their mental faculties
  13. Who you voting for on Thursday then? Changed my hoop.
  14. Ignore these heathens mate. This place is 10 minutes from Hexham https://www.restauranthjem.co.uk/ Best restaurant in the North East. I can’t comment on the attached hotel, but I’d imagine it’s decent.
  15. Is anyone as baffled as me by this post? What in the Black Pudding and Ecky Thump are on about???
  16. This is the kind of utterly pointless nonsense my lass comes out with What’s the difference between taking your postal vote to the polling station and just voting normally?
  17. It’s unerected itself so much I’ve now got a vag.
  18. mackems inventing something, then getting angry about it?
  19. He’d be dead, man, you dafty.
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