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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Let’s just get the job done.
  2. But he’s not interested in the politics of it Because he voted these fucking morons in to power multiple times, and only now is it getting through his cone skull that they’re not interested in him or his welfare.
  3. I wonder how many £millions were paid to how many cunts to come up with that fucking gem? Clownshoes in power.
  4. Probably got hungry and ate his common sense. edit; fuckery and magic
  5. It’s ok to be small mate.
  6. The testing was fucking horrible btw - three swipes of the throat, and it is your throat, not inside your mouth. Then the same swab is buried up your nose for 15 seconds, lodged somewhere between the back of your eyeball and your brain. I gagged like a £5 prozzy ( there’s a “recovery area” after the testing station, so I’m guessing people were spewing too).
  7. No, I’m pleased it’s negative, means we can leave the house again for rides etc. I’d like to have known whether or not I did have it though. Still alive, got cold beer, not a mackem
  8. I eventually got a test at IKEA on Thursday, result came today - negative. Still don’t know if I had it, my A&E nurse sis-in-law is pretty sure I did. The test I was given, though, only tells you if there are traces of the virus on the day of the test. I’d need an antibody test, which isn’t available to me Still, beers tonight with the BBQ
  9. Do they even need the lift? Didn’t they close the upper level
  10. They didn’t just swallow their shite, they sprinkled Parmesan on it, drizzled some olive oil and hoyed a cherry tomato on it. Then took pictures of their new shizza for everyone to see.
  11. He’s telling the Saudis, who are one of the most criticised regimes on the planet, that they’ll need a thick skin. Bright lad, Charlie.
  12. This is just what I’d expect to hear from you and your lot.
  13. At least one of them is honest. “What ever method they choose isn't going to be favourable on us , let's face it we just havnt been good enough and we dont deserve it”
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