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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Think I’d rather sign on, tbh.
  2. Starmer was given the paper detailing it all an hour before this live statement- as you say, he took it apart with clinical precision Johnson’s lot wrote the fucking thing and he was treading water.
  3. Starmer: In the nicest possible way “ You haven’t got a clue what you’re doing, have you?” Johnson “ Haa-ahh- Aaaarumph- well now-aaah-mmmph”
  4. You mean like the Tory landslide, Brexit, and VE Day street parties? We’re fucked then
  5. Starmer just delivered the politest fucking murder I’ve seen in a while
  6. This is what the cunt cares about. Nowt else.
  7. Also Betty Wright, 66, bit of a legend.
  8. Keys’ daughter’s best mate’s minge must be absolutely throbbing given the pounding it’ll have taken after he typed that out.
  9. And bunting. Don’t forget the bunting.
  10. @Christmas Tree Every “solution” you’ve vomited out here is a political one btw, I’d like to hear what your definition of a “moral solution” is, and how it differs from the political ones?
  11. Let’s just get the job done.
  12. But he’s not interested in the politics of it Because he voted these fucking morons in to power multiple times, and only now is it getting through his cone skull that they’re not interested in him or his welfare.
  13. I wonder how many £millions were paid to how many cunts to come up with that fucking gem? Clownshoes in power.
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