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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I’ve heard that Paul McCartney died in 1966 and was replaced by a bloke from Clitheroe called Nigel. Nigel introduced the band to dominos, and they won the North West amateur league in 1967 under the team name Blank Four. Don’t know how true it is, but the person that told me is a plumber called Mick.
  2. Shame she doesn’t wear black glasses, though.
  3. Bit off-topic, wouldn’t you say? There’s Borderline Boiler and Belta Minge threads. Or you could, you know, just not.
  4. @Kid Dynamite, this is your field mate. ( mental breakdown,I mean, not knicker sniffing pervery ).
  5. Quick Test: You feel the turtle’s head, do you … 1- Wait for the match to kick off 2- Go to the toilet 3- Sexually abuse a 15yr old behind the takeaway, then lay a cable.
  6. I can get it in all the supermarkets up here- certainly Sainsburys, Asda and Morrisons. Try online from one of them?
  7. Ordered one each of ; Styrian Bobek,Cascade, and Lemongrass Pale Ale 5 litre keg (3.9%) and Mango, Lime, andBlack Pepper Pale Ale 5 litre keg (3.9%). #fuckcans
  8. Do you not find the honey a bit sticky? Pastry crumbs get everywhere too.
  9. If you like the rougher ones, I’m not going to criticise you for it mate, everyone has their kinks.
  10. Michelle O’Neill? If banging trannies is your thing, go for it.
  11. Not seen it no. Neither has the kid though
  12. They’re real- I’ve got one on my FB. This guy is a former copper, who’s been regularly kicking off about the “biased press” criticism of the Tory govt. Clearly the unanimous response from across the full political spectrum of this “biased press” broke him yesterday. (This was in response to my posting the picture, with no comment, of the Barnard Castle town sign made to resemble and eye test. )
  13. No one has really answered the biggest questions arising from this yet, namely, who is the mystery Shit Violinist? Was it actually a shit violin, or a vuvuzela maestro? Were they arrested/moved on, or did they just get bored like everyone else? We need answers.
  14. https://www.amazon.com/LESBIAN-ROMANCE-Lesbian-Romance-Stories-ebook/dp/B01AEVLP3A
  15. What childcare arrangements did the millions of other Londoners in his situation make, and why weren’t any of them good enough for him?
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