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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. AC Odyssey- first go at it. It’s ridiculous how fucking massive it is. My little lad is blasting about on the Discovery Tour mode, which is the SFW version with added history tours, so he’s learning about Ancient Greece too. This’ll be a months-long time sink, which seems just the ticket.
  2. Bit of both, also letting it dry out. The smaller branch ends with the needles on make mint kindling.
  3. I’ve just finished chopping up the Christmas tree, (no not that one), making a curry for tea then it’s Beermageddon.
  4. Cheers Tom Here’s an art tip in return
  5. He’ll be suggesting we automate the railways next! He’s a threat to the security of this board.
  6. Assassins Creed Odyssey. Fucking huge map, Ancient Greece, with a Discovery Tour option so the nippers can tear about and stealthily learn something.
  7. I think we should exclude the Southern Shandies and here’s why.… When, in two weeks, they’re all lying in tent hospitals coughing their lungs up, surrounded by mountains of dead bodies, they’re not going to be logging on here and providing calm, sensible leadership and support to our more fragile bed-wetters, are they? Meanwhile, we homeboys will be strolling around our desolate moorlands, fit as butcher’s dogs and bog roll billionaires. Vote Fist - United Through Tits.
  8. Norsemen on Netflix. Comedy vikings, what’s not to like?
  9. The back pedalling from these cunts is spectacular. Coronavirus: Hotel made staff homeless in 'admin error' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-51972372
  10. People still have standards, man.
  11. 3 months in the Costa del Backgarden.
  12. 😘 Look after yourself and that little smasher of yours. How’s he doing?
  13. Now you tell me! Bloody hell woman. Seriously though, I agree with your rant about people not taking it seriously, and the importance of social distancing etc. I was trying to explain it to a bloke in the pub last night but he wasn’t having it. Idiot.
  14. But I’m the heir apparent.
  15. Aye, aye, my question is, where were you when the clocks went back last time Cath? Where were you???? I’ve been living off kilter for months. Absolute dereliction of duty.
  16. Cometh the hour, cometh the man. I hereby decree that something must be done.
  17. They’ll have a hard job doing that when they’re hanging by their heels in Parliament Square
  18. It’s his face I feel sorry for- imagine losing your body at such a young age. RIP Kenny.
  19. Excellent. Thanks very much Gemmill.
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