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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I’ve just noticed that they’ve disrespected this journalist by spelling her name incorrectly. Left the T off the end of her surname.
  2. Try Smeg, the new vegan spread-Medium- soft, runny when ripe, with optionally edible rind. Aroma of hobo’s crotch in a heatwave.
  3. I’m often complimented on the texture of my nut-cheese.
  4. Hair on a G String? Womandolin? Pukelele?
  5. 5 reasons Joelinton would love it in Yemen ( wherever the fuck it is, eh Mala?)
  6. You’re tearing me apart City! Anyway, how’s your sex life?
  7. “ Who won the Regional sports journalist of the year 2014 (The Pride of Trinity Mirror Awards)?”
  8. Tricky one though, isn’t it? On the practical side , we need the likes of him and his Gammon Army if we’re ever going to oust The Cunts, but he also thinks strikers should be shot in front of their family’s.
  9. “ Does a prepositional clause require a gerund, an object, or both ?” “ Are yee tekkin the piss, Magnus?”
  10. I also heard that Nick Beggs from Kajagoogoo makes cups of tea in the microwave- 2020 can just hurry up and get cancelled, thank you.
  11. I heard he sold his baby to H from Steps. According to reports.
  12. Fucking Florida, though… https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-53302773
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