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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Cheers mate. Brother and I have been busy clearing her little bungalow today… that’s been tough. Grape juice is calling again tonight
  2. Are we really just going to ignore that PL’s grandad was shot in the DickBusch? Come on lads, it’s right there, on a plate.
  3. Meenz is a not-so-secret metalhead, too. The thot plickens …
  4. Hey lads Just had a message from one our fine members and I said something which I thought I’d share with you all. So.… One of the things I love most about here is that, even though we’re mostly total strangers to each other in real life, whenever one of us is suffering we come together like few places I’ve seen in t’interweb or real life. It’s my time to now be the recipient, and it really does mean so much to me, so thanks, each and every one of you. Even if you are a pack of twats
  5. Alright lads. Thanks for the support- very much appreciated. Mam passed away this morning, and tbh, whilst I’m obviously very sad, it’s a relief. Might be a bit scarce on here over the next few days as there’s a lot to sort out. Cheers again
  6. They have been great, so caring and sympathetic.
  7. Cheers lads. I’m not sure she’ll be allowed home tbh, but it would be nice if she was.
  8. Got home from my shift at 11am. Shower, breakfast and an hour chilling out, then I got a call from Cramlington Hospital. The worst possible news, my Mam has, at best, a few days. The source of her problems finally showed up on a scan and her small bowel is dead, basically. A restriction on the artery that supplies blood to it has cut it off the supply and it’s died, surgeon said that it’s not survivable and she hasn’t got long. Fucking Hell man, what a kick in the bollocks. Just got home, she’s on morphine which, ironically, has meant she was more herself than she has been for months as the pain has gone, but she’s exhausted so we’ve left her to sleep. Back in tomorrow to see the palliative care team and find out if she can come home. Fuck sakes.
  9. “Trump has previously said the US wants the equivalent of $500bn worth of rare earth minerals from Ukraine in exchange for its continued support” Seems fairly clear what Vlad and Donny discussed then. Make the “peace deal” so unrealistic Zelensky had no choice but to refuse it. Donny pulls the US support in response, Vlad steams in and takes the over. Donny will be expecting Vlad to honour their “agreement” to share the rare Earth resources, which of course he won’t. Donny gets taught yet another lesson in losing, Vlad gets Ukraine, and Europe and The US split as allies. He needs to be given a bath in Novichok. Between the British and German secret services, ( France can fuck off), there’s more than enough know-how to get Putin. Might as well take Donny out too, show China we’re not fucking about.
  10. They do when you fuck them.
  11. There’s only really one safeguard that would be effective Trump Farage, that Argentinian prick and all the other right wing Muppets only there because they are Putin’s bitches The problem is Putin He needs to be removed from power You won’t do it voluntarily because if he did with a matter of hours, he’d find himself losing his balance very close to 10 story window. The Western intelligence agencies of Europe need to grow a set and take him out
  12. @ewerk, have you been teaching this lad how to dig up old posts?
  13. Aye, I reckon I’m an hour and a bit in, had like 10 minutes of actual play. The cutscene are very well done, graphically and dialogue wise, but if I wanted a sci fi movie I’d watch one. This had better get cracking soon.
  14. Just dipped my toe in Death Stranding: Directors Cut. Fuck me, he likes a cutscene does wor Kojima I’ve just got back from burning the President, does the gameplay open up or is it 10 minutes play, 40 minutes cutscene all the way? Amazing looking game btw.
  15. Quite partial to a bit of Scotch Egg, aye.
  16. I walked past the fowl botherer the other day as he was walking his mutt, at Forest Hall shops. I thought “ Fuck me Luke, you need to update your profile pic, you porky fucker!” Just as he nipped in to Gregg’s for a 4 pack of Sausage Rolls. He’s half the man he used to be… … plus the man he used to be. Mutt didn’t get any meat sludge pastry, either.
  17. If, like HMHM, you’d rather not sully your optic nerve, but still want the audio experience, you’ll need the following; A-Two large, thick, rusty nails 6” or longer. (knitting needles will do as a substitute, CT) B- A hammer C- Your partner. Place A gently in your ear canals. Get C use B to welly A until they meet in the middle of your brain.
  18. Love the band just playing on like nowt’s happened. 😆
  19. Read that the wrong way round and wondered where Targett was finding his shooting boots?
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