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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Whilst I don’t actually wish the bumbling tit dead ( honest 😉), I care what happens to him about as much as he, his Bullingdon mates, his party lickspittles and weasels, and the whole Tory shitshow care what happens to us. Not a fucking jot, nowt. As mentioned, pulling the “he’s a father” shite is laughable, he’s as much of a caring family man as Jeffrey Dahmer. If he recovers, he might change his thinking (he won’t ), if he doesn’t, well, one less cunt in the world.
  2. Turns out that as well as being a filthy minx, she was a despatch rider in London during WWII. What a woman. RIP
  3. Since we have no Deputy PM, who decides who would take over? How many of them need to peg it before we get to Patel as stand-in? And can we then storm parliament?
  4. In this instance, I think it’s been it’s been impeccable in its choice.
  5. Didn’t he think mobiles worked on semaphore or some similar fuckwittery?
  6. Since it’s a microscopic virus, which isn’t visible to the human eye, and the fact it’s a global pandemic, I’m even more concerned about Wolfy’s mental state than usual. Poor bloke must be banging on his shed door, screaming at his kids “ Let is out ye bastards! You’re all in on it!”
  7. Look at Billy Big Bollocks here with his own flatpack stadium…
  8. Cheers @catmag, if you need a back rub or owt give me a tinkle ( seriously though, it’s unbelievable work you’re all doing- my sis-in-law is also a nurse at Wansbeck and she has had a very similar time. I honestly don’t know how you do it. )
  9. Aston Villa can fuck right off, for me
  10. How’s your crew coping at the moment?
  11. Is this for a documentary then, Martin?
  12. Pope showing off his dried pasta collection. Flash bastard.
  13. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/karen I worked with a lass callled Karen, who had that exact haircut. Definitely would’ve.
  14. It’s weird because the English word for Tory is “cunt”.
  15. Fucking savages never heard of a shed, then?
  16. That's what she told you.… … wooah, hang on!
  17. I’ve always thought he was the perfect voice of their club.
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