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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I could tell you, but it’ll be an extra £500 mate. For parts
  2. Aye, standing outside a restaurant and giving Ashley 1.5 seconds of verbals before he jumped in his fat wagon is terrible. We should have had more class and glassed him in the face like their lot. https://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/7151101.clubs-chairman-hit-face-glass-restaurant/
  3. “ An unrivalled sense of belonging. There’s no place like it on Earth”
  4. I’d guess they’ll do what they did in the full lockdown and put a security bod at the entrance. No mask- fuck off. I hope. We can do without giving the morons the conflict they crave, tbh.
  5. Reminds me of Wallsend’s world famous barbers.…
  6. Something, something, tear the head off it, something, something…
  7. 4. Someone told Penfold there’d been a breach in their cyber security and he’s now worried about Daleks.
  8. I certainly hope we don’t get as stretched, or are as leaky at the back.
  9. With any luck they’ll have been on a bender and we might avoid another savaging. So only 0-3 or something.
  10. I know someone that fits- bet he voted Leave.
  11. The Skinbag was in full bluster mode today. I don’t believe a single thing he says anymore, which is nice…
  12. Only four years to go then…
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