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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Do you know what the original question was? If, as I suspect, it was along the lines of “should Premier League footballers take a pay cut to cover their lesser-paid club colleague’s wages” then he could’ve said ” That’s not really for me to say, I’m the Health Secretary”
  2. I won’t mention the totally coincidental fact that a lot of these lads are working class, or black, or both. Curious that Hancock isn’t asking his white, upper-class paymasters working in banking and finance, who’ll be raking in similar eye-bleeding amounts in wages, to even think about contributing anything. Total coincidence though.
  3. Bloke at the top of my street succumbed to the virus last night. I wanted to let his wife know we were thinking of her, but obviously didn’t want to get too close, since she’s probably got it too. ( brutal reality right there). So I knocked on the door then moved back down the path, and as she opened the door I looked at her and said, “ Plethora” She said, “ Thanks , that means a lot.”
  4. That’s my strategy throughout 😂
  5. I’m ploughing on-I am utterly incapable of walking past any and every side-quest, in every game I play, so this is taking me a a while I’m level 29-30 ish, not even visited more than 20% of the map yet. I quite enjoy howking the mercenarys that hunt you down for bounty, so I’m actively seeking them out when I get a bounty alert. Still haven’t managed to kill the fucking Über Pig in the NW of the map yet, I pop back to it every so often and just get annihilated every time 😂 I’ll have the fucker for breakfast eventually, though
  6. In other words, fuck you Matt Hancock, we’ll do your job for you. Nice one.
  7. This is quite a crazy story, and apparently there’s a Netflix movie about it. ( a luxury diving resort set up in Sudan as a front to enable Mossad to rescue Ethiopian Jews in Sudanese refugee camps). Red Sea Diving Resort: The holiday village run by spies https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/stories-43702764
  8. Dear me. ( although, tbf, he’d probably find it funny as fuck).
  9. Uncharted 4 is free on PS+ this month, andi nabbed the rest of the series a month or two back, I’ve had some canny games from it recently- The entire Bioshock series, Sniper Elite 4 ( not my usual cup of tea but it was great!) Shadow of the Colossus, etc.
  10. Bloody part-timers
  11. The answer to which would presumably be “ not a close friend of Epstein who lusts after his own daughter?”
  12. Never realised Roger was Swiss Tony
  13. Was his Grandad a scab then? Not a good thing in Consett. ( or anywhere, really, but you know what I mean).
  14. Won’t they default on their £10 million loan to fix the lift and be owned by some yanks soon?
  15. Terry McDermott. That’s him in the middle, left of Peter White
  16. He’s a one-man human centipede.
  17. 8pm- Most streets near me…
  18. In your opinion, maybe …
  19. Here you go mate. That’s Woy on the right isn’t it?
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