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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. RIP I thought he’d have been older, even though 90 is some age, but I realise it’s because he’s always looked middle-aged. (I think he did a show with Alan Whicker about his (then) hi-tech house. Gemmill must’ve seen it as a young bot? ) Edit: it was on Nationwide- the only copy I can find is in this Facebook page. https://m.facebook.com/watch/?v=1238815772975531&_rdr
  2. Who was the first man to score for six clubs in the Champions League, but he has never won the competition – and he has played for five clubs that have won it .
  3. Nottingham Forest, couldn’t tell you after that
  4. Atlee- Labour PM for the next six years. Hugely important figure in the creation of the Welfare State- it boils my piss that everyone knows of Über Cunts like Thatcher but Atlee is criminally under appreciated.
  5. The Mrs. and her mates are having a Zoom party. It’s like 100 chickens squawking in a dustbin. Kill me now.
  6. It fell off when I dipped it in the batter.
  7. They normally put him in to sleep mode, do their thing, then boot him up again.
  8. Turned out ok, considering I’ve got neither a deep-fat fryer or a thermometer so it was all done in big pan, old skool. Had a genuine CT moment with the batter- no lager, (and am I baallz wasting good beer on batter), so chucked leftover Prosecco in Worked a treat.
  9. Every fucker else has too- can I fuck get bakers yeast anywhere
  10. I’ve found several apps that can tell you how to get to hospital, for a very reasonable monthly subscription. Yuzacar or Gettabus are mint. £7.99 a month.
  11. Making Fish and Chips for tea tonight. Russet spuds for the chips, skins left on, just blanched them off for their first fry. Beer batter for the fish ( got Cod and Haddock fillet), I might even make some Mandelson Guacamole later, but doubtful because I fucking hate mushy peas
  12. As if it’s not bad enough having Corona virus, we’re all going to die in a fucking shed in sunderland. These are the End Times
  13. Renton , don’t read this, you’ll have a conniption. https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/chi-onwurah-questions-plan-northern-18066252.amp
  14. Following the above argument, shouldn’t Rees Mogg and his elite MP chums be paying the costs of the less well-off MPs to avoid this kind of fucking joke? https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/politics/mps-given-an-extra-10000-to-work-from-home/09/04/?fbclid=IwAR1x-OQ3GgJmCaGdqmIq1EOf5eCcdYeXZ3jezApGcMsFY845AuB06aqHDcA
  15. You’re not entirely wrong mate, I mostly agree with you, but I fail to see how the it’s the responsibility of PL footballers to cover their colleagues wages, when it should have been the responsibility of their mutual employer. More to the point, I fail to see why people can’t see that they’re being used as outrage sponges to deflect anger away from the Govt’s criminal handling of this crisis.
  16. I watched about 30 seconds of that then ran outside and started licking all the neighbour’s door handles.
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