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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Meanwhile, POTUS 45 is focussing on the important stuff. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-53761744 What an absolute whopper.
  2. It wouldn’t surprise me if they’re still paying him wages.
  3. It’s the only Kwik-Fit on the planet with a blacksmith.
  4. Isn’t everything a bit… well… cock-eyed?
  5. Me and Mrs.F. have just had our English Tapas in the back garden, listening to Chill Out by KLF and wondering wtf we had kids
  6. He’s not even that… we’ve had some truly woeful creatures trying their hand, and this bloke can’t even beat them.
  7. Thai massage with a happy ending. Then a trip to the bookies.
  8. That’s just the caravan and donkey stables branch of the business mate.
  9. I wonder if Big Mike has ever considered a career in comedy? I hear there’s a willing audience on Cruise ships for his kind of side-splitting japery.
  10. Will do mate- I’m waiting for an appointment from the Apeer local fitter that Ewerk linked too above. Also got a few more booked. I’ll let you know who makes my dingle tingle.
  11. To them, it meant being somebody in a neighborhood full of nobodies.
  12. I’m proud of you…Never rat on your friends and always keep your mouth shut.
  13. Anyone bought a new composite front door lately, and if so, any company recommendations/warnings? I’ve spent the last …too fucking long trawling through a sea of cuntery when I just want someone to give me a fucking price, online, to make and fit me a door. Please.
  14. At least Lebanon won’t have to worry about it.
  15. What if Trump died by having Pence forced up his arse, splitting the Donald and suffocating Pence? Win win.
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