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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. In a break with tradition I’m going to say… … 0-5. A pair each from the Robledos and a Hat trick from Jinky Jim Smith.
  2. Imagine being told someone is going to ram a wire coat hanger up your japsy, only to then find that the reality was 10 times worse than your most pessimistic imaginings of how it might be. Aye, that.
  3. It’s been derelict for 15 years now. I used to work on the building next to it, and it was depressing seeing it deteriorate over the years. I agree about its importance, and it’d be a travesty if it was allowed to get beyond repair.
  4. Renewed attempts to save the Keelmen’s Hospital. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-68318135 I’ve thought for a while it would be a great venue/workshop/studio type place, with the central courtyard as a covered performance area.
  5. I’ve just been told that I’m now ( literally, in 10 feckin minutes), going to Mrs. F’s formerly estranged dad’s birthday party, organised by his 4th or 5th wife’s family, who are all certifiably mental but dull as ditchwater. FML.
  6. Thank fuck for that! Things come in threes, Fury fight cancelled, Callum the Tranny blowing his gasket… I was worried you might be jinxing the match, but I’ll take this.
  7. Aye, Wor Adam scoring on Valentine’s Day is pushing the bounds of reality.
  8. She needs to be careful- he’s got a reputation with pigs.
  9. I assume this a teabag-only pot?
  10. I’ll be disappointing the hell out of Mrs. F.
  11. Btw I’ll be strutting in to the Love Parlour tonight in my silk kimono, leopard skin thong, with a pot of lube and this below blasting out.
  12. This Mortal Coil did what is easily my favourite version of this. Also one of the few songs where you can make out more than three words from Wor Lizzy.
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