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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Kids aren’t allowed in The Shed.
  2. Since we’re on the subject, guess who this is? (I’ve NSFWed it, even though none of us are at work )
  3. Oh this year I'm off to Sunny Mecca Y Viva Allahu Akbar! I'm taking the Saudia Airways 'plane Y Viva Allahu Akbar! If you'd like to stone a battyman, in some cool casbah And meet repressed women by the score, their heads are rolling on the floor!
  4. That’d be ancient history for my interwebs searches, tbh. I like a far more sophisticated ( depraved) type of grot these days Anyway, all this talk of medieval regimes killing people has got me quite stressed- I’m off to relax by killing the absolute fuck out of anything that moves in Assassins Creed Odyssey.
  5. In the interest of science, and lolz, I now have the phrase “camel on the tyne bridge” in my search history Far from the worst thing in there, but cheers
  6. The Saudis are savages. Trump’s a cunt. I’m glad I’m a white, middle-aged English bloke. We are going to be the best football team in the world. There. Shall I post a picture of some nice titties so we can all calm down?
  7. I would like to express my agreement with this statement through the medium of meme.
  8. Can someone do a face swap/merge of Keys and Ashley, just so we know what the most punchable face actually looks like? Cheers
  9. As has been said by most of us on here, it’s entirely possible to criticise them, and the horrific practices and beliefs they have, whilst also applying the same criticism to “more enlightened” states. The US is in a fucking tailspin towards all out civic breakdown if they carry on with The Tangerine, and he’s not the sole cause of that, it’s been building for years. They had a chance with Obama to step back from the brink and be decent, but we know how that worked out. If we’re not careful, we’ll find ourselves in a similar mess too, I fear. There’s a worldwide outbreak of cuntishness, and I don’t see anyone in power, or with the ability to get in to power, doing a great deal to stop it.
  10. Trying to keep up here, without letting my glass run dry I agree, the Saudi regime is fucking medieval, at best. There’s no defending Sharia law as a modern legal system- it’s fucked. I’d argue though, that any state that has capital punishment (legal murder)of it’s citizens as an option on its books isn’t too far removed, and should get their own house in order if they want to tidy the houses of other countries.
  11. I posted that not having read the subsequent replies, and of course, chopping peoples hands/heads/chose your appendage off is medieval. I still think KD’s point, that America, the glory of the west, isn’t exactly the shining example when arguing against a brutal state regime is perfectly valid and salient.
  12. I think he’s making a fair point here tbh, Gloomy. If you’re a young, black male in the US today, you’re in a similar boat to anyone in Saudi who doesn’t toe the line- you’ll probably spend time in jail, your chances of being killed by the state are comparable, and your options to effect change are similarly fucked. That’s not to lessen the awfulness of the Saudi regime, clearly, but it’s a stark example that we are not as perfect as we like to think.
  13. Lads , there’s minutes left to save our West England brethren. If you’ve not already, hoy them a vote. It takes seconds and costs nowt.
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