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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Meenz on fire with his obscure mid-90s daytime quiz knowledge
  2. Is that a Bad Lip Reading or did he actually come out with that drivel?
  3. Why are we giving work to this filthy immigrant? Surely there’s a good, honest, hard-working, and sensible Brit who can do this job? Why-oh-why won’t the political elite acknowledge the sterling work Nigel Farage has done for Queen and country. Wibble.
  4. Love that. (It reminds me of something but I’m buggered if I can place it.).
  5. There’s a local journalist in Devon who wrote the line “Things came to a head” and sat back, cracked a can, and went…
  6. Yvette Fielding? Say no more…
  7. I wouldn’t worry- they’ll u-turn on the decision next week.
  8. The little burp at 1:43
  9. She occupies the first 20 spots on a google image search of “bass face”.
  10. The clip of them doing it at Glastonbury has slightly better audio, they knock it out very well.
  11. Isn’t Cheshire Merseyside? Is Fish Jnr going to grow up with a scouse accent?
  12. Trump Junior’s girlfriend is older than Trump senior’s wife.
  13. The Craster Arms??? Oh, fuck…
  14. It’s mentioned but not confirmed in the article linked above. Mind, they also say he thought he was being followed by six blokes who wanted to kidnap him. I had no idea Mythos beer was so strong.
  15. If she looks owt like her brother, I think I’d be injecting myself with it first.
  16. Waiter- “ Pheasant Katsu Curry, Sir?” Wykiki…
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