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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. There’s a polishing turds joke in there somewhere, but frankly, I’m so sick of this whole shitshow I can’t be arsed bothering
  2. Him and Mr. Hands, cracking a horse beer and swapping tales over a nice bag of oats.
  3. RIP Bud https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-54049415
  4. He always looks like he smells of whisky and Woodbines.
  5. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-54030023
  6. If you have a large group of boats piloted by numpties, each one produces a wake. When two wakes meet, you’ll get a little standing wave produced, with a smaller series of them eventually tailing off. If you multiply that effect, you’ll very quickly have a large number of big standing waves, and corresponding troughs. When the idiot boats, designed for flat water pleasure boating, plough on through this mess, they’ll drop in to the troughs, get hit by the waves, take on water, lose stability, get hit by another wave, take on more water, etc etc. If they had the most basic bit of sense they’d stagger the “parade”, and have the small boats go first, but these are Trump supporters we’re talking about. Fuck ‘em
  7. “ In case of emergency; 1. Remain seated on your fat arse. 2. Scream. 3. Do not put on a Lifejacket, it’s what Big Gubmint wants you to do.
  8. Presumably any Trumpist on a sunk boat will be a loser or a sucker in the eyes of The Tangerine One?
  9. You’d struggle to get two cars in between those kegs, mind. ( Isn’t this pizza bloke a notorious cunt, btw?)
  10. One way to draw attention away from the ankle tag.
  11. Oh, I dunno… ( their faces at 0:34 ).
  12. We are so utterly and comprehensively fucked thanks to the Pig Fucker not having the stones to tell one wing of his party to fuck off. Best PM in my lunchtime.
  13. Pvt. Heel Spurs will deny it, blame WWII on Obama, then have a cheeseburger.
  14. I’m never watching darts again. ( I never watched it before, but I’m never watching it again).
  15. I know you’re just ribbing me.
  16. I’ve, so far, resisted the urge to make the obvious boiler jokes, as they’re pretty much writing themselves. Crack on lads
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