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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Anyone care to explain what the fuck is going on for me and my fellow twilliterates?
  2. Tbf, it does take a while to settle.
  3. The boss of the Dr named by Quiff above is Dr. Poon. ( I’m such a child).
  4. She only claims the Chinese government were aware of it before they said they were, not that it’s a man-made virus.
  5. I could’ve sworn you said you were a Smoggy. Anyway, give it up lads, another one has fallen to the seductive whisper of the Tin Foil Hat.
  6. Newcastle Blue Star. Also play in Black and White, closer than Durham, season tickets £35. I am not affiliated https://www.nbsfc2018.co.uk/
  7. Is that the same Joelinton that’s worth more than their club?
  8. That’s a far tidier beard than the latest would-be Mackem Messiah’s.
  9. I can see this is keeping you up at night, a bit like your Kamagra, so here’s an associate professor in Immunology and Microbiology, telling you it isn’t man-made. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.livescience.com/amp/coronavirus-not-human-made-in-lab.html
  10. Just wait until all the prehistoric viruses frozen in the tundra defrost and get to work! Mammoth flu! ( Unless, of course, the Earth is only 6000yrs old, in which case, howl away!).
  11. That’s what you want me to believe. Coffee isn’t real. Neither are giraffes.
  12. Get yourself over to http://cluesforum.info/ Quiff. You and Wolfy can tell each other how right you both are.
  13. What are you basing your idea that China deliberately created this virus on? What evidence have seen that makes you think this idea is remotely plausible?
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