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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I looked up Wraith videos on the google machine, so I could compare voices- spot on What did make me chuckle, though, was that the first video that came up has an extremely appropriate sponsor intro.
  2. I’m not sure I’ve ever listened to this cunt speak. ( If I have, he’s clearly eminently forgettable ) I’m imagining a kind of even crappier accent than Waddle- Obvious North East accent but tries to sound “phone posh” on certain words and mangles the fuck out it… close?
  3. “ The Rule of Six”… some vacuous little cunt was probably paid a fortune to come up with the Charalatan’s latest buzzword, which fellow empty-vessel Schapps spat out numerous times on a Radio interview this morning. It’s less than 24hrs old and I’m already sick of fucking hearing it. “ We need a new phrase to fool the plebs in to thinking we’re competent” “ What about The Rule Of Six?” “Love it- it’s got a Game of Thrones feel to it, fits right in to our fantasy world where we’ve taken back sovreignty!” “The Rule of Six! The Rule of Six! The Rule of Six!” Cunts. Every last one of them.
  4. Alcohol isn’t real man, it’s all a placebo invented by China.
  5. I was picturing much worse- Ashley stuck in an empty room, for eternity, with Lee Charley. And Dennis Wise.
  6. I’m sure the Vikings can sort you out some Frozen Rapes too.
  7. Tebbit is still alive? Thanks for ruining my day
  8. He’s only going for an eye test.
  9. Charlie Brooker must be gutted- this lot have made him utterly redundant.
  10. I’d have thought that if he’s been to one of the “infected” areas, it doesn’t matter where he then flys from to return home? That’s the point of the quarantine? ( It does illustrate the utter shiteness of this Govt’s whole response though- how many people with the virus will have done the same, spreading it within Greece first, then back here?)
  11. Wtf? Did The Tramp donate some of his beard to Ratboy’s napper? So many questionable tonsorial decisions here
  12. Following shenanigans in the Mackem thread, this
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