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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Who knew skateboards were such a danger?
  2. I’m going to call him ZZ Bottom from now on.
  3. He looks very “excited” to be stood next to it. Much like he stood next to their stadium.
  4. Toots Hibbert, reggae legend, has died at 77. Looks like C19 got him. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-54129388 and, of course,
  5. Pirate walks in to a bar with a ship’s wheel glued to his balls. Barman says “ I don’t know how you can bear that?” Pirate says “ Arrrr, ‘tis driving me nuts!”
  6. Lawrence Dalaglio by the looks of that tackle
  7. There’s not a lot to ask on that subject though, is there? Q: Kim Kardashian became famous for sucking someone off - who did she fellate for fame? A: Jimmy Savile. C: Bill Clinton B: Some Bloke D: Her Stepdad
  8. Everything’s a conspiracy nowadays… … at least, that’s what they want us to think.
  9. Nightmare for the cameraman. They usually make them sit opposite Clarkson.
  10. It’s come to something on here when a lad can’t go to York and pick up a delivery of used knickers without getting the piss taken mercilessly.
  11. I got an email from my daughter’s school today saying a pupil had been tested positive for C19, but it’s ok for her go to school on Monday because the kid wasn’t in her “bubble”.… … which is fucking hilarious considering the amount fannys losing their shit and keyboard warrioring when she came back from her cancelled ski trip.
  12. Wasn’t R >1 the criteria for National lockdown a few months/ fucking decades ago in May? What’s changed? ( unless I’m wrong, which is very likely)
  13. We’ve had fires, floods and plagues, what’s next on the list?
  14. I was 12 when he fought Hagler, I watched it at my uncles. He was a huge boxing fan, and I recall him saying Hagler would massacre him beforehand, which me and my cousin were having none of Shameful night what happened afterwards, but clinical from Hagler.
  15. And then get hundreds of chairs chucked at him. Edit; my memory is playing tricks- it was bottles and cans, the upturned chairs I remember where the ringside media and officials using them to protect their heads from the idiots.
  16. Nowt wrong with a bit of “vintage” shed time, especially if they’re still warm.
  17. I also spend my time ‘bating.
  18. Which of their mates will own the testing company? Also, hello @canofbeans, where you been hiding?
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