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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Cheers lads. Not one, single Titty pic though- I’m disappointed.
  2. One of the changes in my Dad a few days before he lost consciousness was a personality shift - my old man has always been an absolute gent, I’d never heard him swear more than the odd “bloody”, usually when the Tories pissed him off, and he was as polite as they come, to all and sundry. Anyway, he’d come back in to contact with some old school friends, one of which was an old girlfriend who’d left him when he did his National Service in 1953, and ended up marrying one of his former school friends- she’s been widowed for some years. He decided to ring her, was having a fairly normal chat, then asked her, out of the blue, who was the best in bed- him or the old mate, her now-dead husband. When she answered “ both equally good” I think he took it as a come-on, and wanted to be taken over to hers so he could “visit” her.… …85, on his last legs, and wanting a booty call. Fucking superstar.
  3. That’s bloody awful Renton mate. I’d imagine a lot of the burden of arranging care etc will fall to you? Best advice I can give is don’t try to do everything, if you feel like you’ve got too much on your plate, ask for help. Tough times ahead mate, if I can help in any way, just ask.
  4. Cheers man We all obviously knew it was coming, but it’s still a kick in the nuts when it actually happens. Telling the kids was tough, but they took it well.
  5. And no…the curry wasn’t that bad. ( I know you all thought it, twats. ).
  6. My Dad died earlier today. As gutting as it is, my main emotion right now is one of relief that he’s not suffering anymore. He went downhill incredibly quickly- I put him to bed on Sunday night after sharing a curry with him, him sitting on the sofa, eating as normal, cracking jokes, and then…he didn’t get out of bed again. By Monday morning he was semi-conscious, his kidneys packed in, and his lungs were filling up. He was given drugs to try to combat the fluid in his lungs, and some painkillers, but other than that, nowt, as per his wishes. Bravest man I’ll ever know. The team of nurses and care workers who came in to help us were just fantastically dedicated, overwhelmingly caring, and an absolute credit to themselves and the NHS.
  7. “ Didn’t have any cherry tomatoes, used Fish Fingers instead”. Sorted.
  8. Come on lads, with the salad in the middle of the plate this is virtually health food.
  9. CT’s mushroom has just released spores.
  10. 19 years ago today. Shearer, camped out in Keane’s head, rent free
  11. My old man has days, at the most, left. Good luck to anyone trying to stop me seeing him. It’ll be The Rule Of Five.… Five Knuckles.… I’ll hit them
  12. He knows where the rest of his kids are.
  13. A Flock of Illegulls. ( coat already fetched ).
  14. I hope you don’t talk about fashion, either
  15. Can’t be spoiling the fun of our betters, now, can we?
  16. Maybe Amazon will give them their own barely disguised copycat show - A Question of Gammon?
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