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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Isn’t it? Very calm, just happens to have a hammer, full face ventilator, gloves, and an umbrella- on what looks like a dry, sunny day.
  2. There’s footage which purports to be an incognito cop smashing windows just prior to it all kicking off. I’d normally dismiss it as tin foil hatters, but now… I wouldn’t be in the least surprised.
  3. When did you move to Forest Hall?
  4. mentions bbc sport, so some will be at least.
  5. How much do they charge for a hand shandy?
  6. If anyone is thinking of having a uk holiday, I hear the Great Yorkshire Show is a cracking family day out.
  7. Or 3 of 4, or 4 of 3, or one of 6, a 2 and a 4. Fucking muppets.
  8. Up to six people can meet outdoors.… … is this based on any actual scientific reasoning or have they just pulled it out of their arse? If twelve people sat facing each other, 2m apart, couldn’t they just claim to be two groups? ( sorry, it’s just fucking ridiculous. Either people can meet, socially distantly, or they can’t.)
  9. Apparently not according to this https://fullfact.org/online/not-dominic-cummings-sister/
  10. Can’t we stop bickering about unnecessary deaths, back-handers and incompetence and Just Get It Done?
  11. If you faceswapped this pair of cunts,would anyone notice?
  12. Was kann ich sagen? Es waren die 80s. Es war wie in einem anderen Leben.… und Spin 2, 3,4 und Kick 2, 3,4
  13. I’ve got relatives who are Villa fans, and I’ve sent them this link. In fairness, they’re lovely folk and were thoroughly embarrassed by their lot when we went down at their place, but still… fuck ‘em
  14. It’s also so British that she’s facing consequences for pointing out that someone didn’t face consequences.
  15. That’s fucking outrageous. I hope she resigns, but also don’t because she’s one of the best there is.
  16. So, do you adopt a Praying Mantis stance to type on your set up? ( Northern Monk do lovely beer )
  17. Saturday 3pm. Bending the yams yams over and dry bumming them.
  18. Just pretend you’ve installed something and let the fox have his snacks- problem solved.
  19. “Died” *input new mission- Roomba, kill the fucking rodents, make it look accidental.
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