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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I’d guess that when the rules were written it was assumed that the candidates would be reasonable politicians and not a nappy-shitting man-child.
  2. That doesn’t seem to rule him out, if I’m understanding it correctly. He’s only served one term, per the first part, and the second part seems to apply to VP’s who take over, like Ford, saying that 2years or more counts as a term.
  3. Have a nice glass of Domestos and you won’t be bored for much longer.
  4. Except the Tory biased BBC school.
  5. I remember when Obama won I was well chuffed but said to Mrs.F. that he now had a target on his back- turned out not to be the case, thankfully. The Spunk Trumpets have had 4 years of Dear Leader legitimising their extreme views and behaviours, and I honestly will not be in the least bit surprised if one or more of them tries to take out Biden and/or Harris before January. The Secret Service have apparently already started clearing airspace around Biden’s home and increasing his security , which is normal for a President Elect, but I reckon they’ll be busy in the coming months.
  6. I was just thinking about that. It’ll be by turns terrifying and hilarious watching his mental gymnastics as he tries to convince anyone who’ll listen that he hasn’t lost. I honestly hope he refuses to leave. But at the same time, I hope not.
  7. I suspect Twitter will let him know. edit; most likely Jeff Tiedrich
  8. Biden is ahead in Pennsylvania now.
  9. I’m not having a go at you, as we’re basically saying the same thing, but I do disagree with the last bit- it’s not beyond the pale, it’s entirely in keeping with his entire Presidency. He’s got over 25 sexual assault allegations against him, paid off a porn star and lied about it, hasn’t paid taxes, called his country’s dead soldiers “losers”, put immigrant children in concrete cages, sided with his boss Putin over his Western allies, etc etc etc… there’s a whole page of other shit against him. Any single one of the above would have sunk a Democrat candidate, yet the Republicans have backed him and the country is evidently 50/50. The “good” Republicans who have kept quiet until now are as much to blame as the likes of McConnell.
  10. Trump being investigated for holding campaign events at the Whitehouse. The intelligence community revenge begins.
  11. Alex, the online version of Meals on Wheels for us old cunts ( well… Robin and Ewerk).
  12. The only thing not fake about him is his fucking minging beard.
  13. I don’t think he’ll run again, but his cunt offspring will, whichever one manages to stay out of jail with their cunt father and cunt siblings.
  14. Dear Libtard U r fake Precedent. Very bad. MAgA
  16. (Just to cheer you up, some GOP cunt was saying on R4 that they hope he runs again in 4 years time.)
  17. Gandaft has hired a pedalo and had a bit plodge on the Riviera ( probably taken a few years ago)
  18. They’re lucky that all he was armed with was his superior intellect and eloquence.
  19. The Trump family’s toot dealer must’ve made a fucking fortune off them in the last 48hrs.
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