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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Alex outing himself as a tractor nerd. I used to like them, but gave it up and took up sucking away cooking vapours instead - I’m an ex tractor fan.
  2. Do you see empty Fosters cans and used needles here? ANSWER THE QUESTION!
  3. Huge back end, powerful as fuck, not too manoeverable?
  4. Russian tractors are where it’s at- might as well go all in on the evil regime crack. Look at this bitch…
  5. Aye. I used to play this at sunset, on top of the cliffs, smoking a fatty, looking over this view. mint.
  6. Make a Liver and Mussel phaal when it’s your turn on curry night. Hopefully they’ll never ask you again.
  7. You should be grateful the RAF bummers are still farting for freedom. Also… fuck.
  8. I’d piss myself laughing if The Fat Cunt bought them ( assuming we are sold next Friday )
  9. Don’t worry about it, I’ve just rang my mentor at Pedants Anonymous and told him I’ve lapsed again.
  10. Just for Wykiki and Polarboy, aka The Dyslexic Duo, it’s Krafth. K.R.A.F.T.H Like the shitty cheese spread, but with the wrong Ian Watkins stuck on the end.
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