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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Aye, definitely a “sound on” clip that one.
  2. Whoever posted that has some “interesting” photos saved
  3. Remarkably similar story here- Fortnite turned him in to a little twat, to be frank. Minecraft is still a big one with him and his pals, but he’s getting bored of the shite from multiplayer He’s asked about Sniper Elite 4 too, which is a great game. edit: There’s an achievement if you shoot Hitler in his Uninad, called the Albert Hall achievement
  4. @NJS The rich, the Royals, and MPs will get the expensive one, we plebs will get the cheap one. Same as ever.
  5. My laddie asked if he could play Odyssey at the weekend ( he’s under the age limit for it, but he’s seen/heard far worse language and nudity on TV). He was a Fortnite freak, so I told him that, especially early on, if he storms in to fights he’ll get pasted. Scout, Scan, Sneak. Sure enough, in his first few hours, he got pasted. He’s managed to get off Kephalonia though, (laughed himself daft at the Cyclops/Goat scene) and is now getting pasted on the mainland
  6. Abused by a hippo Wait until you meet the War elephants …
  7. It’s the duplicity that puts me off- I watched the episode linked above and not a single discussion of which is best- shortcrust or flaky pastry. Did they even tackle the hot topic of “when is a pie not a pie?” ( answer- when it’s a dish of pie filling with a pastry top on it… pie masquerade)- not even a mention. pfft. disclaimer- I didn’t watch it, so they might have.
  8. He was probably too busy rattling your lass to fight.
  9. I’m strictly a “spit and polish” type of chap, although thebrokendoll might fancy that.
  10. Anonymity, COVID safe, and mobile gusset-sniffing. Marvellous
  11. Just put a paper bag in your head and you’re good to go.
  12. Funnily enough I’ve just had a notification that I need to self-isolate. ( Don’t worry @ewerk, I have a long-established, rigorous warm-up regime so my wrists will not shatter).
  13. They let him spread his rancid shit, unchecked, for over three years before this half-hearted “disputed” crap. They’re definitely complicit.
  14. Are you talking about what I think you’re talking about? Because that’s never the answer mate.
  15. He moved to Wichita and became a lineman for the county. You should ask him.
  16. That’s the Egyptian one, isn’t it? Not as big as Odyssey, but still a huge map. Decent game, like, took me months to complete it.
  17. You’re a good man- helping the homeless at this time of year is to be applauded.
  18. Newcastle have declared first in the last two General Elections, and the Brexshit vote. 😉
  19. Oof, vicious Mrs. F. has an extremely annoying habit of leaving the plug from her hair straighteners on the floor, points up usually. You’d think she’d be more careful after I stood on one a few years back, which went deep enough to tickle the bones. In my distress, I may have accidentally bounced the fucking things off the wall, which broke them somewhat, and they were apparently decent ones- GBH or something I had a fucking temporary vagina on the sole of my foot for a week or so until it healed up.
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