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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Nice, but a better tribute would’ve been if they’d all worn Scouser wigs and had a dusting of “talc” on their top lips. Would’ve at least generated a modicum of interest in the proceedings.
  2. He’s had to cut the right arm off all of his t-shirts.
  3. #BLMM ( Bruce Loves Monster Munch). He’s definitely got Pickled Onion breath.
  4. His hands look normal-sized on that table. Massive heed, but.
  5. I’m going to watch a bag of frozen peas defrost.
  6. Got to make use of the Union flag while they still can 😉
  7. Ehlers Danlos syndrome, I’m guessing. Or Superhero.
  8. Either your dentist had tiny hands or…
  9. 67 years ago, the first summiteers of Everest, Sir Edmund Hilary and… Sherpa Diegozing
  10. I just thank God I’m an atheist.
  11. Condolences lads, sorry I can’t help you with advice. If it’s any consolation, I doubt Half Mancock or his advisors could help you either, and they made the rules.
  12. They can’t fucking help themselves, can they?
  13. Massive Lads Fan, apparently, they’ll be devastated down the road.
  14. “Tinted pedo specs” They’re not wrong, mind.
  15. Fair point- we’d need someone more persuasive than Penfold to convince him to take a drop in wages and quality of squad
  16. This is a bit weird. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/55056643 Former French “Chaser d’Oeufs” Christophe Dominici has died at 48, after witnesses saw him fall from a disused building he’d climbed. Wtf?
  17. @TheGingerQuiff, don’t read this mate, it’s soon.
  18. Get crooning, Gloomster. It’s as certain as shite stinking.
  19. Whilst Schnorbs has a clear weight advantage, Shep is remarkably fast on his hind legs, and just the right amount of crazy. I’d go for the underdog here, Jeff.
  20. It’s pedantry like this that keeps me coming back here.
  21. 43rd Clause… “ Should fowle humours from the Eastern barbarians befall this Lande, none shall be strycken to be confyn’d within their hovels, neither king, merchant nor barber-surgeon” * * and my arse is purple velvet.
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