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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Meenzer living like a king. The Groom of the Stool
  2. I embraced my follicle deficiency many years ago, and tbh, I’m glad I no longer have to bother with places like this- looks like a right Palace of Plonkers.
  3. Aye, not only him snapping his legs, but Bonington also broke his ribs on the way down too. Mental.
  4. Doug Scott- 79. The first Englishman to stand on the summit of Everest, and an absolute legend in the climbing world. The story of his descent of the Ogre after snapping both legs at the shin is gut wrenching, and well worth reading. Decent obit here which mentions his work in later life in Nepal. RIP
  5. Blakey’s segs- I loved hammering them in, fucking lethal in winter though
  6. These gave me superhuman skills on my Raleigh Grifter
  7. I had a pet duck that hired a duck butler to open and close doors, slice his lettuce and other butlery stuff. When I asked how he was going to pay him he said, ”Just put it on my bill”.
  8. Bloody hell. He always looked like he’d just smelt a particularly bad beer fart that Cathy Secker had crop-dusted him with just before going on air. RIP
  9. ( playing it on a loop adds another level of daft).
  10. They also conveniently ignore the numerous times Shearer has said we’re also shite, because that wouldn’t fit with the “Cabal Earth” theory. Fucking daft tramps.
  11. He’ll fit right in with the next (in his own head) owner.
  12. Can we also acknowledge that Matt Hancock’s Mam obviously loves it up her, too?
  13. Up there with your Jump shot thread in the quality content stakes.
  14. Speaking of Namibia… https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-55173605
  15. I’m with PL and NJS here like, my first thought was “US states” which were divvied up by European colonists, after all.
  16. No, but then he wasn’t our first black manager. I don’t remember Gullit’s colour being even mentioned upon his appointment, mind, but I could be rose-tinting it?
  17. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/opinions-on-campbell.1535487/ Open arms
  18. About as well as they’re handling “pissing League 1”.
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