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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I was looking through some Hearns clips and never realised he was in the double KO club.
  2. This is thoroughly depressing… https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-55239668 TLDR-The weight of human-made objects will overtake that of all flora and fauna by the end of the year.
  3. If you’re on PlayStation, @Ant, Just Cause 4 is free this month on PS+ I downloaded it for Fist Jnr, told him it’s “grown-up Fortnite, with extra explosions”. He’s loving it. 👍 Your wean might like it?
  4. He’s a martyr to his bowels, eeeeh, this weather is playing hell with his sciatica.
  5. Claude Monet is more impressionist than Joelinton.
  6. Unless it was him kicking them, you’d end up with a sore ankle.
  7. I’d have a tiny shred of respect for them* if just once, one of these lickspittle fuckers would just admit that they got something wrong. * I wouldn’t, they’re rancid scum, but you get my point.
  8. Considering the life he lead it’s incredible he made it to within spitting distance of 100.
  9. Bonington? I doubt his four sons would be interested in an oik like me.
  10. Fucking shite is giving it more credit than it deserves.
  11. Meenzer living like a king. The Groom of the Stool
  12. I embraced my follicle deficiency many years ago, and tbh, I’m glad I no longer have to bother with places like this- looks like a right Palace of Plonkers.
  13. Aye, not only him snapping his legs, but Bonington also broke his ribs on the way down too. Mental.
  14. Doug Scott- 79. The first Englishman to stand on the summit of Everest, and an absolute legend in the climbing world. The story of his descent of the Ogre after snapping both legs at the shin is gut wrenching, and well worth reading. Decent obit here which mentions his work in later life in Nepal. RIP
  15. Blakey’s segs- I loved hammering them in, fucking lethal in winter though
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