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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. First film I remember seeing was at Shields Rd. Apollo when I was about 7, my aunt took a whole gaggle of us cousins to see this… … fuck knows why I remember seeing Star Wars at the Odeon on Pilgrim St. when it came out in 1977 and the queue was round New Bridge St. as far as the old BBC studios.
  2. Typical of the Magedia to get the grandson of a MLF member of the Magedia to claim he’s a Mag, and then have the Mag’s own Magedia confirm the Magedia member was a member of the Magedia, and a Mag. FTM
  3. Wraith- “ I wonder if they know I’ve shit me pants”.
  4. @Ayatollah Hermione, did your crate of piss ever turn up?
  5. Didn’t something similar happen with No Man’s Sky- massive hype pre-release, turned out shite then got fixed later and built up a decent following? It’s a shame, as CDPR won a lot of goodwill with Witcher 3, but could blow that all away if they handle this badly.
  6. Aye, poor little bugger, hope they recover soon. I can’t imagine what it must be like to hear that about your baby.
  7. John le Carre, 89. Another I thought was dead long ago.
  8. Nice. Are they her MkII efforts? I’m sure her first ones were more deformed.
  9. Had a chuckle at this article on Beeb, County Durham dart-blowing star's memorabilia 'should go on display' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tees-55257640 One swift YouTube search later… Champion.
  10. Still not as funny as @catmag’s Cookie Monster cakes. ( if anyone can be arsed to search for the pics of them, I’d be thankin’ ye ).
  11. It’s how they get in the mood for doing their sister/wife/kids.
  12. Are you saying he was a “friend” of Cheryl Cole, Will I Am and Tough Guy Mick?
  13. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-55290883 Some cunt burgled his home during his funeral. I wouldn’t want to be them when they’re caught.
  14. And lose all the perks we had as a founding member, not to mention any sliver of respect we may have had. It’s a plan who’s genius is in it’s simplicity.
  15. With Brexit looming, it’s imperative that we keep our whites the whitest, so we’re using Persil.
  16. Aye, but it’s good that, as a Millwall NTO, he’s comfortable talking openly about his sexuality and fetishes, as seen below. ( If you’re unfamiliar with docking, here’s a clue…)
  17. BBC couldn’t even be arsed to update the score on their full-time report.
  18. Aye, it’s fucking mint- they’re rallying round a tramp fantasist with a history of dodgy fuckwittery, whilst writing off a bonafide billionaire interest in their shitty club because their last “messiahs”, who are now evil incarnate, would still hold a minority of shares.
  19. I remember the Cod Wars with Iceland in the 70s- shittest war ever.
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