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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. “ Daddy, what’s the difference between a piss enema and a champagne enema?” ” Few hundred quid, son. “
  2. Ted Cruz btw What a fucking whopper he is. Guaranteed he’ll try to be Trump MKII
  3. Watching CNN just now- mental scenes.
  4. Funnily enough, I feel like a right spacka wearing them.
  5. So, anyone of you old bastards know of any good restaurants?
  6. Especially since Fish reckons the Gypsy Kings would set up their Hornby kits on him. Bamboleo, toot toot.
  7. “Established 2010”, still unavailable in shops or online.
  8. Mrs. got me a pair of eS board trainers a while back.
  9. Fair play to Cabbageheed mind, he’s brought him out of his Shell.
  10. Colin Bell: Manchester City legend dies aged 74 https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/55551720 Bell… end.
  11. Get your elders to teach you.
  12. How the fuck are you meant to find time to make sourdoughs and roast carrot salad???
  13. If you get bored with that… ( I’ll post this in the next game thread too 😑)
  14. Shame she wasn’t in You Only Live Twice, really.
  15. Whilst playing “ You’ll Never Walk Alone”?
  16. I’m happy to get Medieval on a few Tories/Leavers in the name of Revolt. Get Johnson and Farage on the Judas Cradle , Rees Mogg can have the Scavengers Daughter
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