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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Have some compassion… …they’ll be grieving because their owners are suddenly 50% less cuntish. Media billionaire David Barclay dies, aged 86 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-55643249
  2. I’m surprised it wasn’t a Tactical-Camo version with that little weasel.
  3. I hope people don’t forget about the absolutely venal stampede these cunts went on to set up “PPE supplier” company’s in order to make £millions whilst the rest of us were told to be happy with 80% of our income. They will though.
  4. He swallowed the hook and now he’s about to be gutted. Tough fucking tittie.
  5. It’s fucking criminal incompetence. And we all know the main actors in it will walk away scot-free
  6. They might accidentally get someone half decent, and scrape a cup run next year, costing them money to put on extra games. I wish I was joking.
  7. Hartlepool drug-dealer 'lured to house and killed by drug gang' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tees-55647979 “A man living close to the murder scene, who was hard of hearing, recalled his parrot had been startled by a loud noise, Mr FitzGibbon said.”
  8. Our workforce no longer has the Dürch or the Technik.
  9. Aye, but he also crushed young CT’s dreams when he slipped a length to Debbie from accounts.
  10. It’s people like you and your attitude that caused her life-changing idea to not even put it’s feet on the starting blocks… …thankfully
  11. When I worked abroad I had an Aussie friend who decided that there should be an internationally recognised sign when you want the bill after a meal. She decided that making a C shape with her hand was the sign. She would do this after every meal out, every time, for the whole 5 years I knew her. No one had a fucking clue what she was doing- not the waiters, not her fellow diners, no one. That’s you, and this BUJ nonsense.
  12. Used to sit in the Gallowgate and watch Jackie Milburn.
  13. Always show your working out Tom. See me after class
  14. I’ve just got in from a shitty shift delivering to bamps, tramps, lurgied students and crazy cat-ladys. Sounds like I had the most fun tonight.
  15. I refer the honourable pescatorial gentleman to the last line of my previous comment.
  16. I once had a Chinese, in Avignon, in august. They served hot sake at the end, which, when you drank it, revealed a photo in the bottom of the cup of a chinese lass splitting her difference. Authentic as fuck.
  17. I think even he knows it’s an indefensible shitshow. I’d have thought as a cabby he’d have loads of free time this past year and would’ve been all over here, maybe he’s struggling to pay his broadband and his food bank packages leave him too low on energy to bother? Who cares?
  18. He still lurks. Pops up once in a while. Like herpes.
  19. Only if you use the express donkey- time is money.
  20. This had so much potential, but you blew it.
  21. Mumsnet has been suspiciously quiet on these issues.
  22. “ Can’t be doing wiv that forrin muck” *Gets home, lives on Curry, Chinese takeaways, pizza and kebabs.
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