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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I know the above is a piss take, but imagine being as miserable as Souness, all day, every day.
  2. I get the impression the fruit didn’t fall far from the tree- they’re both massive cunts.
  3. Reverse Cool Hand Luke
  4. I knew you’d appreciate that.
  5. Anyone ever made Chinese Tea Eggs ( sfw)? I’m after making some for my Miso noodles and wondered if you chaps have any tips/shortcuts? I’ve found this recipe which looks fairly straightforward, (I’ll be using the five-spice option), bonus being you can keep them in the fridge for up to 5 days. https://omnivorescookbook.com/chinese-tea-eggs/
  6. Segways. ( I genuinely thought you were doing it as a Ryderism ).
  7. It was presented by Aldi Rory Bremner, Rob Curling You’ll have to ask Meenz for the gooner reference though ( Solely due to my somewhat pathological hatred of Rory Bremner, I also dislike this bloke, just thought you might want to know that. )
  8. Nope, it’ll come to me , probably in the middle of some deathly dull job safety training course or something, 3 months from now.
  9. Meenz on fire with his obscure mid-90s daytime quiz knowledge
  10. Is that a Bad Lip Reading or did he actually come out with that drivel?
  11. Why are we giving work to this filthy immigrant? Surely there’s a good, honest, hard-working, and sensible Brit who can do this job? Why-oh-why won’t the political elite acknowledge the sterling work Nigel Farage has done for Queen and country. Wibble.
  12. Love that. (It reminds me of something but I’m buggered if I can place it.).
  13. There’s a local journalist in Devon who wrote the line “Things came to a head” and sat back, cracked a can, and went…
  14. Yvette Fielding? Say no more…
  15. I wouldn’t worry- they’ll u-turn on the decision next week.
  16. The little burp at 1:43
  17. She occupies the first 20 spots on a google image search of “bass face”.
  18. The clip of them doing it at Glastonbury has slightly better audio, they knock it out very well.
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