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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. @The Fish getting blatantly pod-cuckolded here.
  2. Careful! There’s vulnerable people out there.
  3. Death threats online- he means Waitrose sent him an email saying they were out of Pickled Onion Monster Munch.
  4. You have to own it and use the Fish Energy logo as your Avatar. #frozengrapes
  5. INTRO TO SUNLUN’ TIL I DIE SEASON 3 “Growing up in the billionaires playgrounds of the French Riviera and Switzerland, Kyril always felt drawn to the litter-strewn estates of the shit-hole of the North- he felt a kinship with the attic-dwelling mutants, and knew one day that his ultimate MLF dream of owning their tinpot club would become a reality.… … once they’d been ruined by the dodgy insurance salesman, he’d be able to buy them for loose change and fulfil their true potential of giving him a manageable loss on his investment within five years, but invaluable experience for his true dream when he eventually bid for his Dad’s old club. If their management carousel managed to lift them to the heady heights of the arse-end of the Championship, he may even consider keeping them on his portfolio as a feeder club to his beloved OM. For now, he’d be happy if he could stop their feral followers from shitting in the stands once they were allowed back in.“
  6. CT posts where he’s spectacularly wrong are meat and drink to Sinn Find. I challenge @ewerk to find one of his posts where he gets it right. You have one month, should you choose to accept this mission.
  7. Larry Flynt, 78. The shed flag is at half-mast. ( fnarr etc). I will be having burgers for tea in memoriam.
  8. This is how supervillains are created in those kids comics he likes.
  9. Also, he was taken to court (and lost), over the design, which he ripped off directly from Whyte Bikes. I believe he’s yet to pay them for their legal costs and court-mandated compensation.
  10. This summarises why they are where they are perfectly. Short gave ridiculous money, to their multiple managers, who all, without exception, managed to piss it all away on absolute shite. I can’t remember which player it was, but they only recently stopped paying the bloke years after he left the club. Their managerial merry-go-round is really something else, and their slavering mob of orcs have played their part in it. Fucking joyous to watch it all slowly unfold
  11. I went to a wedding over there once. In fairness, when the father of the bride and groom made his speech it was a very moving moment.
  12. They’ve cast James Gandolfini’s son as Tony Soprano. No pressure there, then, Jnr.
  13. I wondered why I hadn’t heard any new stuff of his in a while… …loved his version of Sofa No.1 by Zappa
  14. Yeah, and that red wallpaper is just a shade too red… He’s an incredibly talented bloke, playing his very good interpretation of a well known song and adding some amazing touches, man. If I had any genuine criticism, it’d be that I’d like to see his brother George accompany him on drums.
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