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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Brenda Lee Cattermole. ffs lads, you’re slacking. Here’s an easier one. GRGMCHLWN Clue- both guilty of crimes against fashion due to double denim.
  2. Last round of questions in Only Connect was the missing vowels round, subject was footballers crossed with singers. eg. DBBYH RR YKN answer- Debby Harry Kane so, here we go. BRND LCTT RML
  3. I’ve smashed by personal best on Only Connect and it’s not even in the last round.
  4. I have an ingrown hair millimetres away from my anal exhaust pipe. Using mirrors, TCP, needles and red wine, I will be self-extracting it, rather than watch this. Bruce is a lovely bloke though- he once saved a puppy’s life from distemper by ignoring all the signs and symptoms and insisting the puppy was fine.
  5. You'd think if his business was doing that well the fucking tramp would be able to afford another jacket.
  6. This? It’s not too bad, also… tiddies warning!
  7. I’m sure they’ll have given Jimmy Hill’s statue a good talking-to afterwards.
  8. It became a city the same year football was invented-1992. By their own arguments, the place simply didn’t exist before then.
  9. I sent Bruce a letter telling him I hope him and his whole family get vaccinated. What a nice bloke he is.
  10. Is that a shadow, or a dark coloured electric behind it on the left?
  11. He threatened to visit her if she didn’t.
  12. Some funny, but orc-looking fucker posted this in reply. I’ll bet his neighbours are dreading the lockdown ending when they’ll have to look at him again.
  13. This is the thing with little bitches like Edwards- they thrive on attention, and we give him it. If no one responded to his shite, unfollowed or whatever, it’d send him fucking wild. Won’t happen though.
  14. It would seem his hangdog, jowly expression is not due to overindulging and old age, but to being pulled down by the enormous weight of the balls he has to come out with that speech.
  15. @sammynb Here you go mate. https://docs.notrancidpornnohonestitsnot/orisit?/
  16. No no no- totally made up story by the Magedia. https://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/7151101.clubs-chairman-hit-face-glass-restaurant/ https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/fan-arrest-in-glassing-567013
  17. I bet the knees go within weeks on them.
  18. I had grey hairs on my back until I told them to stop.
  19. Let’s be honest here- it would take fucking ages before you got through to actual meat.
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