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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Basic Mick met and married his sister Michaela and had more Mick Jnrs. Dad, Mam, Baby and Uncal- twelve eyes between them and more fingers than Findus.
  2. I didn’t know Jay Jay Sea had put his house on the market.
  3. Expecting a bloke who fucked his daughters best mate whilst his wife was suffering from cancer to understand normal people’s expectations is a bit unlikely, the hairy-handed fucking nonce.
  4. TCMPL needs to get her doctor to sign her off due to work-related stress. No one should be suffering like that due to work, mate.
  5. Someone should send his shithouse son that pic of Unkal Mick and Basic Mick outside the ground at 3am, it’ll cheer the fat cunt right up. edit; here it is
  6. It was an empty stadium. How the fuck can he blame Ritchie for not getting the “tactical message” ( fucking whey aye Steve, as if…) when all the fat cunt had to do was shout? Edit; has fucking Edwards come storming in to Craig Hope calling him out for criticising The Precious yet?
  7. I’ve decided that rather than listen to this I’ll get Mrs. F. to try out sounding me with a rusty nail.
  8. “When I find myself in times of trouble Ole Solskjær laughs with me Thinking ‘bout Sir Alex Let it be…”
  9. The fact that it’s still going ahead says all you need to know on that score.
  10. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-56116411 The article is about a 1st century statuette which has a tache and hairstyle. “ Its hair appears neatly shaped at the front and long but tidy at the back” Our ancestors were running about with Mullets.
  11. So, just as we finally get out of lockdown and get on top of the virus, we throw the doors open and invite Europe to come and infect us again?
  12. If the Tories follow their trend of appointing ever-more-fucking-useless gimps as leader, we’ll get to the point fairly quickly where someone like Starmer will boot them out. Quite how we fix the shambles after that is another story, and that’s not even mentioning dealing with climate change and the environment. All in all, we are fucked.
  13. Tiger Woods has apparently broke both legs in a car crash- no other vehicles involved and he was “not impaired”. Been on his phone, hasn’t he?
  14. There used to be a proper old-fashioned grocers , Wrights, on the Fish Quay that did the best bacon I’ve ever had. He’d cut it to order, and it was amazing. Like many of the property’s there, I think it’s a restaurant now. Other than Sambucas, I think the food there is pretty decent Tom, so your Uncle might like a lunch there.
  15. And so began the Great Toontastic Plagiarism Schism- a once (fairly) united board became split in to the Howmans vs The Paddockers. Friendships, families and eventually the board itself would be torn asunder over the Great Debate- who posted the pub meme first? (The fact that pubs didn’t open until December 2022 was lost in the intransigent posturing from both sides). *read it in Morgan Freeman’s voice, it sounds better.
  16. This makes for depressing, though unsurprising, reading. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/feb/23/revealed-migrant-worker-deaths-qatar-fifa-world-cup-2022
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