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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Isn’t this one of the Basic Micks? Looks like the community shell suit has been sacrificed to make that yellow thing on a stick, too.
  2. You’re thinking of his brother, Count Dracula Reardon.
  3. He’s acting like a moody 20yr old lass. Ibraher, init?
  4. Didn’t realise you were dislec… dysxlce … had trouble spelling. We can change your username to Doe Lug if that’s what you were originally aiming for? Here to hepl
  5. Is the Luke they’re referring to Onion Boy?
  6. Driving back north early this morning, I’d put “create a station” on Decollage by Thievery Corporation. About an hour later, it played this absolute gem… Mag-bliddy-nificent Stuck the whole album on, which is mint, here’s a couple of examples. ( these are on the deluxe version, which has extra tracks- top notch ).
  7. The slow nodding on the last, vacant-eyed woman. “ That’s great!”
  8. At the risk of sounding a bit Le Tissier, anyone think he’s wearing his head tampon to cover the lack of any injuries to his lug, or the tiny wound if there is actually one?
  9. Can we have that in plain Yorkshire please?
  10. At the Travelodge? As traumatic as it would’ve been for the poor staff, I’m 100% sure they’ve seen worse. Place is a freak magnet.
  11. Speaking of hot sweaty bastards, I pulled in to Thurrock an hour ago. Dashboard external temperature was showing 36°C. That’d explain me sweating like a bull in a tight Jersey earlier at Tilbury Docks. Thankfully the showers here are mint, had a tepid one to get clean, then an icy cold one to cool down. Down side- couldn’t get a North facing parking slot, so my cab is getting every fucking ounce of sunshine going. Air con on full blast, and two of these, one either side of my planet sized heed
  12. He should just send Mad Dog out to speak to the press. Picture the chaos on Twatter.
  13. Doesn’t matter- he lives in a burrow.
  14. Didn’t he have a sitcom that showed over here ages ago, or am I thinking of another droopy-jowelled, dead pan Septic?
  15. If the mountains won’t come to Mohammad, or whatever …
  16. Pics or GTF. This isn’t the sunshine fanny thread- we needs evidence
  17. I hope they gave the seats a good jetwashing before they let the sheep in… … actually- no I don’t
  18. So, Twatter has it wrong How does dropping a baby out of a window end up with burning buses and tipped Plod wagons, though?
  19. No mention of Roma involvement on the BBC. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cy795we0vngo
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