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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I’d say that cuntishness includes violent acts, but lack of violence doesn’t preclude cuntishness. Owen being the prime example. Opposite ends of the spectrum there- Southall- top fucking bloke, in all aspects I’m aware of. Owen - cunt.
  2. I mean, we’re talking genitalia here- both of which start out as cunts, just one gets more testosterone. Savage is definitely a cunt, on and off the field.
  3. He’s mentioned in the other thread, that I wish I’d never started, (but I will not be defeated) If anyone else gives him a shout, he’ll go on the board…maybe…unless I can’t work out how.… or give up… whatever.
  4. Whilst I agree with the sentiment, I’m pretty sure Fat Lad Mike isn’t voting Labour anytime soon. I’ve reconciled myself with the idea that if we must have cunts owning our club, let’s have the worlds biggest, richest cunts.
  5. I blame the bog trotting terrorist - his fucking “updates” have left me bereft of any shred of a clue of what the fuck I’m doing ( which was tenuous at the best of times). I’m sure he’s infected my pc ( even though I haven’t got one).
  6. I’m not watching that, but the description is pretty much exactly what I expected. I assume he’ll now be as fucked as the dentist, or whatever he was, that posted pics of himself having shot something a few years ago… oh, no, hang on- he’s the president of the NRA, so he’s golden.
  7. Lee Dixon has two, he’s in. I’m seriously regretting this
  8. Their most popular source of family meals is a Newcastle company. Appropriately, one with a nonce former director.
  9. It’s a big list of potentials tbh. Ole Gunnar Cuntface Ronny Johnsen Rio Ferdinand David Beckham Schmeichel Giggs Scholes Thats just the cunts from Newton Heath.
  10. I’m only allowed 20 choices- he was definitely up for consideration. If he gets another vote, someone will get shifted. ( what the fuck have I done )
  11. If I knew how to shift all the “cunt” comments from here in to the Cunt Hall of Fame thread I’ve just made, I would. Feels a bit shite hijacking Shearer’s Hall of Fame with a list of cunts If one of the more competent mods or admins could sort my shit out, I’d be grateful, thankee very much yas indeed @Tom @Meenzer @Andrew @Ant
  12. Asda or Tesco? Hats off for keeping the nation fed mate. 👍
  13. I honestly think you’re giving our cretins too much credit. They’d lap the odious little lickspittle up like a dog eating chips.
  14. That’s a terrible slur on the poor dunce, and you should, for legal reasons, back up your awful accusations with, at the very least, a link to said pictures. Allegedly.
  15. Figured we might as well fill a new thread with hate Would I be correct in putting Keane at No.1 then? If we get a decent list of cunts, I’ll put a poll on and we can vote on it. Edit; managed to figure out the poll business, I’ll add anyone mentioned more than once to the arbitrary list of cunts I’ve started with. Edit 2: Pick 10 …. Fuck me, I’m ballsing this up like a proper cunt
  16. Tough one that, for me. He’s undoubtedly a fully paid-up member of the cunt club, but he was also party to some great moments in our history ( yes Feyenoord, I’m talking about when we possed you). He’d probably scrape in at 9 or 10, but I’m sure there’s 10 more cuntish PL players we could pick.… …Thomas Gravesen being next in my personal cunt list. ( His entire career was built on cuntishness, but his cunt tackle on Bernard, when we could’ve stormed up the league under Sir Bobby, guarantees his place directly under Keane for me.).
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