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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Trump being investigated for holding campaign events at the Whitehouse. The intelligence community revenge begins.
  2. Alex, the online version of Meals on Wheels for us old cunts ( well… Robin and Ewerk).
  3. The only thing not fake about him is his fucking minging beard.
  4. I don’t think he’ll run again, but his cunt offspring will, whichever one manages to stay out of jail with their cunt father and cunt siblings.
  5. Dear Libtard U r fake Precedent. Very bad. MAgA
  7. (Just to cheer you up, some GOP cunt was saying on R4 that they hope he runs again in 4 years time.)
  8. Gandaft has hired a pedalo and had a bit plodge on the Riviera ( probably taken a few years ago)
  9. They’re lucky that all he was armed with was his superior intellect and eloquence.
  10. The Trump family’s toot dealer must’ve made a fucking fortune off them in the last 48hrs.
  11. I kept flipping over to CNN to get a more balanced view. ( I’m not joking either ).
  12. I’m genuinely unsure whether you’re taking the piss here. You don’t think there’s any credibility to this, do you? The Cunt-In-Chief spent months telling his spunk Trumpets that mail-in voting was “bad, very bad”, whilst Biden encouraged people to use it. Is anyone remotely surprised that the mail in votes are hugely in favour of Biden? From the get-go, all the media analysts I watched were saying “the mail-in voting will be in favour of the Democrats”, because everyone knew it would be. Bernie Sanders pretty much nailed Trump’s M.O. weeks ago- ( that was recorded on 23rd Oct).
  13. The answer to your 2nd sentence is buried deep in your 1st sentence.
  14. Where are these claims coming from? Also, if true, can’t Biden just claim them as alternative facts? I must admit I’m enjoying watching Trump whine like a bitch.
  15. Give him a break. Thats just a (luxury) knee-jerky reaction.
  16. Is that Mrs. KCG’s verdict or are you just really flexible?
  17. Water drinking contest.
  18. Thought that must be a parody account or something. Nope. What a cunt.
  19. Getting ahead of things here a bit, but if Trump does lose, which do you think will happen first; New York put him on trial His sperm germination trophy divorces him?
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