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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. BJ, BIB, HTH,BS? Are you lads essembee? Anyway, you’re both wrong, so suck my BBs. ( on DDDDC, )
  2. Days Gone free on PS+. It’s like an open world Last of Us, without the annoying fucking kid
  3. Authentic 17thC Hi-Viz too. 👍
  4. It’s the Old English way of spelling it- Modern English shortens it to cunt.
  5. Say what you like but Epimenides had a nice family.
  6. Since we’re on about gardens, I recently installed the Sinead O’Connor endorsed “Fuck the Pope Bird Table” in the back yard. Seems to work, so far I’ve seen seven owls and fifteen jays.
  7. The bloke on the right just said to his buddies ” We could use him as a condom”
  8. Apparently he’d been ill for some time. Dodgy genes.…
  9. As someone said in that videos comments, that’s the best performance ever seen in a Scotland shirt.
  10. I don’t know why I’m debating with Riff Raff like you- you’re off your Rocker.
  11. At least it wasn’t Back Door Bitches vol III 1980
  12. AC/DC’ best album, Powerage, was released today in 1978. So, here’s the best song on it. ( all other opinions are welcome, but wrong).
  13. Really sorry mate, I forgot to take it out of the recorder and the Mrs. taped over it with episode 605,000 of Come Dine With Me.
  14. Imagine being be of the “lucky” 10,000 and finding yourself sat next to UM
  15. Nick Kamen, the lad who got his boxers out and sold millions of 501s ( and boxers). 59 Kamen went, more like,etc.
  16. What do you call an Indian hooker? Balsdeep ( I’ll get me coat).
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