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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. ⬆️⬆️⬇️⬇️⬅️➡️⬅️➡️❎⏺
  2. Since my working situation has changed somewhat, I’ve found more time to cook properly again, which is mint. Found this soup recipe, which if you follow the recipe for its broth, I’ve made meatballs from the meat and added to the soup. THE SOUP https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.greatitalianchefs.com/recipes/zuppa-imperiale-recipe/amp THE BROTH https://www.greatitalianchefs.com/recipes/meat-broth-recipe BAAALLZ https://www.greatitalianchefs.com/recipes/italian-meatball-recipe
  3. Something fucky about his canines- has anyone held the pic up to a mirror?
  4. This is quite nice. https://alexanderperrin.com.au/paper/shorttrip/#
  5. Strap him to a donkey cart!
  6. Aye, just reading his replies- he knew enough about her to know her mother was from India, but not enough about her to use her name. What a fucking throbber.
  7. I’ll thank you to keep the world’s best known Abyssinian Tripe-Hound out of this.
  8. Fuck me. Who’s this racist old cunt?
  9. He’s just called a press conference here at 5:30pm.
  10. He’s got an extraordinarily large mouth, like. Reckon it’s been stretched?
  11. Have we mentioned that it’s in between a crematorium and a dildo shop? Someone said it’s apt for his sacking as he can fuck off and die.
  12. Just in case anyone wanted to report some fraud…
  13. Congrats @Howay, if you’re after a unique name, Fistella has been hugely unpopular for centuries. I’m so glad the fucking turd has been beaten, and that he’s taking it like a man.
  14. It’s really quite uplifting HMHM, do yourself a favour.
  15. Just added “self pardon” to my What the Fuck Will He Do Next bingo card. https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/524786-like-it-or-not-a-trump-self-pardon-may-be-coming-soon
  16. Something sus about his latest- he’s not in the picture with his can of piss and bag of beard scratchings..… …Mainly because he lifted the pic from here https://www.welcomecottages.com/cottages/witton-hall-suite-two-mwe What a throbber.
  17. Marked from 0-Cowardy Custard on the Krul Scale?
  18. They’ve got the map on CNN at the minute, for a change.
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