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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Is that one of our more esoteric members, named after a certain member of the Byrds?
  2. I’m picturing Rayvin Luded out his mind, trying to open his car doors with his feet and just apologising left, right and centre to trees, bins and the pavement.
  3. This should be a t-shirt, sold at Fatty’s Empire of Tat beside the pint tea mug.
  4. Aye aye Flava D. Edit; just looked “him” up…
  5. Likes his dinners… there’s nearly two of him there
  6. Are you playing the Dad Tent mid-afternoon pre-snooze spot?
  7. As well as being the least known member of Liverpool’s best loved (only) acting family, and being in a shit band, Spacka McGann appears to be in Up The Arse Corner too.
  8. It’s pre-pre-Scouts. Beavers—Cubs—Scouts—Prison So aye, what Quiff said.
  9. I never said there was tbf (there is). Its Quiff who seems to want to distance himself from his home region.
  10. In several million years from now, when humans have long since left the home planet and struck out to other solar systems in search of new planets to fuck up, the answer to the question , “ What’s the dullest band there’s ever been?” will still be Coldplay. Edit; As language evolves, sometimes at an incredible pace within single lifetimes, the general term for “absolute shite” will still be Bawitdaba
  11. Not that place on Teeside then? Ok
  12. Did you get it from Dalton? ( thought you didn’t do Italian food ?)
  13. I never knew one of the McGann brothers was in the 2nd dullest band in the world (far left) https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-suffolk-57148468
  14. Nah, she’ll only get eleventy-ten thousand million votes. Man-of-the-people- billionaire-richest-MP-in-the-House Sexy Rishi Sunak is our next Cunt In Chief. (Sorry for all the hyphens, I’m having a stroke)
  15. Not Cressida-“ Now come on little Meenz, we have to sell enough unwanted Laura Ashley tat to the plebs so that we can send money to the starving folks in Africa- won’t that be fun?” Little Meenz-“ Ffs, all I want to do is check out the sexy bitches at Beavers…” I feel your pain
  16. Are your parents called Malcolm and Cressida?
  17. Nah, never stop pointing out what an absolute dog turd of a human he is. I don’t know what it’ll take for people to turn on the cunt, but given what he’s already got away with, when it does eventually happen it’ll be a joy to watch. Hopefully he takes a load of his scum cronies with him.
  18. It’s been reported elsewhere that he also put the milk in the tea after he’d poured the tea- fucking savage.
  19. So, you’re not just posh, you’re Gosforth Posh. ( I think Sammy has slightly misunderstood the players in the above drama, btw Fat wobbler was a visiting tradesman to the house, bang tidy wife was the house owner. )
  20. “Yiz playin pool n yiz snookad, can yiz play the jump shot? ( hitting cue baal awwa anuntha baal te hit ya cullad baal)? Yes ah nah?” Today’s lesson- Meth and Blue Pop don’t mix.
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